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Full Version: Daddy's hiking/fishing buddy in Uintas 8-9
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Daddy's big fishing/hiking buddy (my 4 yr. old) and I went up to the Uintas today. I was concerned that the area I wanted to visit was too far, but she did great. We just took it slow and easy. The fishing was good until rain made us head for home. My Big fisherwoman has come across "brookie fish" frequently, but today, she encountered something new.
Looks like a lot of fun! I'll bet she had a great time with those little dudes. Cute kid!
Good to see you and Rachel had a good time. I was beginning to wonder what you were doing with your time-off. Glad to see it is time being well spent. Is that a grayling in one of the pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Kids are great. As a father of 4 girls and one one the way (no telling but most likely another girl) that is great. My daughters like to get out and catch a few. My oldest is 8 years old but she will not touch a worm but I make her kiss the fish hehe. One of my twin daughters just love to name them as we catch them, sometimes to the point of annoyance (almost always cinderella). Well good times.
I have two daughters (both in their 30's now) & those pictures sure made my eyes misty. Also got a lump in my throat remembering times like that that we had years ago. I'll tell you one thing. Take every opportunity you get to share each others company doing stuff like that. When you pass one up, it's gone forever. You can't go back & get it.
What lake or lakes did you hike into and how was the fishing overall. I am planning on taking the family up around the end of August and I am always looking for a new hike for the family.
Wonderful pictures! Now, is that "something new" you mentioned a grayling???
thanx for sharing those dog... took me back to some neet memmories..
That is just plain awesome! There is nothing I love more than fishing with my Daughter (7) . You have a beautiful little girl, and from the looks of it a pretty good fishing buddy. What area were you fishing? I would really like to get into some grayling before the summer ends. As for giving names to the fishies... I usually get my daughter upset by naming them things like...dinner.[sly]