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Does anyone have any good recipe's for cooking strippers? I have never ate stripper So I am not sure how to cook it to bring out its best flavor!![Wink]

Please help the poor shad at powell.GO STRIPPER FISHING!!!
I dont think they are worth eating. I cooked some fresh out of powell last Friday for happy hour at camp, not very good! I love fish and know how to cook fish, strippers are just not very good in my opinion. They are fun to catch when boiling and fight great, but on the table I will pass!
You should check out the recipe boards. [cool]TubeN2 has some really good ones over there.[Wink]
It would be sick and wrong to cook a stripper. Enjoy watching them, but leave them alone.

If you are referring to stripers, they provide excellent firm, white meat. Just make certain to trim away any of the reddish meat that is on the fillets.
The secrets with stripers are (1) to put them on ice as soon as you catch them, and (2) when you fillet them, use a very sharp knife and cut as much of the dark red meat as you can off the fillet. The red meat has a very strong taste to it. It takes a little extra time to cut the red meat out, but it really improves the flavor. I don't like them as well as walleye or crappie, but handled and prepared properly, and rolled in a mixture of half flour and half cornmeal and fried to a golden brown, they are pretty doggone good.
[size 1]I have never ate stripper So I am not sure how to cook it to bring out its best flavor!![/size]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]I've never ate a "stripper" either so I'm not sure how to bring out their best flavor (I guess you have to get them real hot![shocked]) but if you're refering to STRIPER as in striped bass, they are excellent tablefare. You can cook them any way you like. Deep fried, grilled, sauteed, poached, you name it. [/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]The problem is that some people find the red blood meat that runs laterally along the middle of the fillet can taste fishy to some folks. Personally, I don't find it offensive but people with more refined palettes may. It is easily removed with a little practice.[/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Try deep fried battered fish for starters. You really can't miss with that recipe. Here's the recipe that we used at the wiper tournament that everyone enjoyed. It is courtesy of TopCat from the message board.[/size][/black][/font]
For the well being of all I'll simply bite my Tongue! HA!
I have been biting my Tongue and just when I couldn't resist and went to post a comment about strippers, Shelby and BearLakeMack went and "stole my thunder!" [crazy]

Two comedians in one thread is enough anyway... [Wink]

But I have "heard" strippers taste best hot. [shocked]
I heard from a man in Las Vegas though that strippers should be catch and release only! [angelic]
OK, seriously, I have eaten stripers and I thought they tasted just like any other bass. I did cut the dark meat off though.

I'd say any recipe for perch or bass would suffice for stripers.
I agree with ProvoRiver. I've had all the freshwater basses and stripers were just fine. I cooked em just like any other bass, filleted. pan fried in butter with your favorite coating or with out.
I just can't restist the temptation. When eating strippers make sure to remove the foul tasting g-string first.[Wink]

I'm sorry I just couldn't help it.
LOL... That's right.... remove it so that you can floss with it later.
LOL,, man you guys are killing me! I'm trying so hard not to make a real comment yet chewin' my Tongue raw in the process!! [laugh]
Howdy utfishguy, fillet, get rid of bones and red meat, dip in tempura batter or beer batter deep fry in corn or peanut oil, if thay seem mushy, slice pieces 3/4 in. thick, enjoy.
OK OK OK...So I spelled striper wrong..Thats what happends when your still trying to recover from a short powell trip,Sometimes you can catch stripers and strippers down at powell on the same trip,just look for house boats!!..LOL[Wink][Wink][shocked]
Ha, I was wondering when you'd comment! I appreciate the fact you have a sense of humor about it! You know, some people may get cranky... we need to be able to laugh at ourselves occasionally.
Sometimes I even have a hard time helping my 2nd grader with her spelling words..LOL LOL HA HA[Wink][Wink]
Hi Steve,

I like peanut oil best for frying fish. If using a skillet, put enough oil in to cover half the fillet, fry one side and turn over and fry the other. I like mine fried to a golden brown, that goes for most all fish. By the way, trout make good garden fertilizer. [cool]
100 bucks ... she's all yours brother!

Ha ha ha!