O YA!!!!!!!!!!!! the magic time of year is apon us the bow hunt!! on the 20th ill be on top of fairview on skyline drive lookin for an early archery buck but those who know the area know that the fishing up there is amazing with the amazing amounts of lakes and streams. im looking forward to a exellent hunt and some great fishin.
I'll be doing the same thing in sept on the muzzleloader up by strawberry. Its a magical time of year. Good luck with them 4 points.
Why talk four points.[crazy] Lets dream of that eight er nine point.[cool]
i seen a 6x6 elk up by huntington the other day he had about 50 cow's with him as well..
good luck to ya!!
I've been scouting for the bow hunt all week up on the Manti by Scofield, and back on the West Desert by a few springs I know around there. Finally found one around 30" yesterday morning way back in the pines on the Manti, and a couple 28" 4X4's in the desert. Opening morning I'm going after one of the 28's. He's got around 6" bases, nice long tines, has eye guards and he's very symetrical. I'd put him around 185-190 b&c. Plus even if I can't get within 40 yards of him then, I can just keep tabs on him till the muzzel or the rifle hunt. It's nice being under 18 still. I can hunt the archery, muzzelloader and rifle- All with the same tag! I love getting out in the mountains with my spotting scope just looking at all the animals. I haven't even thought about fishing this week.