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Full Version: Fast and furious WILLARD
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Fished out by the island from 4PM-8PM using the standard method. 2MPH trolling 2 rigs on my pontoon and slaughtered them until the wind came up.

15 wipers, 4 channel cats and 2 walleye. Man was a great time. I feel like I was lifting heavy weights yesterday.
Tried this morning for a while and only 1 wiper and 1 walleye . You must of made there lips sore . Thanks for your report .
You are turning into a quite the wiper slayer and it sounds like you are doing great at hunting them down. Are you having any problems with water/jet skiers harassing you out there?
Not really, I hung around the island because noone was going near it but other fisherman so I didn't get buzzed as much. I did however have someone harassing me saying I stole his side planer and he left and came back and started accusing me of it until I showed him mine had the modified upgrade that keeps them on the line instead of releasing.
Eek, what were you using? The hot lure for me right now is the Renegade Shad Diver Arkansas Shad. Give her a whirl and I am sure you wont be too dissapointed. I noticed last evening noone trolling fast were getting anything and my slower tactics were working. I tried fast first and then slowly switched down a speed until I found the speed they were hitting on. About 2 MPH.
[size 1] If you were to make a recommendation to a tuber as to where to try mid day until evening, where would you suggest?
Leaky [/size]
hi fred not CBR here like yourself i only have a non motorized tube CBR seems to like the island area don't think you want to go that far in a tube this past wednesday when i was there ( boating ) saw several boils off the feedlot again a little to far off the dike for tubing BUT also found boils off the south dike very close in easy distance for a tube bound fisherman might want to try that area of course that does not mean that they are in the area still but have seen boils in that area the last couple of week
Thanks Chris, If you see an old geezer tubing, come say howdy. May go to Swan Falls on the Snake River instead. We'll see, it's a long way to go.
I have done well off the south dike just before sunset. There are boils allover the place there when the preasure is lower during the week. No luck there on weekends when the wave runners are tearing things up.