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anybody in for this ?
lets try it i'v put a few togher in the past..

first where at ..
i know flag's from wadena
ddr is from the cities
and a few more from around ..
lets do this .

p.s i don't get any thing out of this but you might..
I'm game as long as it's somewhere between here and there. LOL. I just don't want to drive too far. I don't make enough money to afford gas at the current price for these longer trips.

I'll let you experts try to get something put together.
Im game, maybe Ill get another Tshirt from flag, this ones wore out!

I may have a sugestion on a place to stay. (for free Joe) Brainerd or Park rapids areas. (Camping)
ok where at and when ?[Tongue]
DDR is going to stay with me the weekend we pick an't that right joe..
Minneman, I've got 2 tshirts now. The grey one is starting to get worn. The white one is almost new. Every time I go fishing, or just shopping for fishing stuff, I wear one... or at least one of the two hats. [cool]

Yeah, I've got a place with Jon. Thanks though!
[Sad] I might be limited on time , with bear hunting and the Cormorant fall classic coming , but I would love to do it !! .

What works best for you? I'm pretty much broke until mid-September. [:/]
ok heres the deal i know you want your own but i'm working on one with catch-n at maddens resorts DDR i know you were planing on comming too ..
the plans are so far to have it late sept eraly oct.just trying to get the cheapest rooms right now ..
i will keep you infourmed or you can check us out at catch-n .com

Flag that was an awwsome thing you did for me a few weeks ago .
for thous who don't have a clue.
Flag was intervewed by a local newspaper for ice fishing and included me in it i just wanted to say thanks Flag..
Yeah, I think it'd be great for BFT and catch-n members to get together. Hopefully mentioning catch-n is within this forums regulations (the owner of catch-n told me to push BFT all I wanted on his site). Maybe we can turn it into a great event!

Do we have a general idea as to when this is going to happen? We definitely want Flagmanonice to be there, and if possible, a few others that have been fairly absent from here all summer long. Great guys they are!
ok we are shooting for sept 16-18 2005 at madden resorts i just need too know whos comming..
Sounds good to me. You know I'm there since I've already committed to being your fishing partner. Can I bring Sarah and Duncan with me? They need some time away from the cities.
don't know where i can put them joe but this is a family outting bring who ever ..still working on rooms check us out here [url][/url]
Well, they aren't going anywhere with me now. So if I make it then it will just be me. I can sleep in the Blazer if needed. Heh, like you'd let me do that.

The biggest part is... will I have the money for gas at the time? Right now I'm living from paycheck to paycheck.

The biggest part is...Right now I'm living from paycheck to paycheck. [/reply]

hay don't feel too bad so am i Joe with the gas prices go up up up and up can't see goimng any wheres right at this time..

also maddens is full at the time we picked out so for now it's off..
sorry guys and gals..
[Wink] Theres still some spots open for the Cormorant Fall Classic !!!

[Wink] Theres still some spots open for the Cormorant Fall Classic !!!

. [/reply]
[Smile] thats a good idea now i just need a partner i know joes to broke to fish in that one any body want too fish with me i might have my new boat by then..
Maybe see if theres some one from Catch-n also !!
