I have 2 older (17 years) Browning round tubes that had the old inner tube for the bladder. The shells are in great shape and I want to get my 2 boys into the sport. I have tried to find the inner tube with no luck so I was wondering if I could find a bladder that would fit them. Where would I start looking or would it be cheaper to just buy new tubes for them.
Also on this question where would I find smaller fins for them?
[cool][#0000ff]Regular tire and auto repair shops seldom carry the truck tire inner tubes anymore. You have to find a truck tire dealer. Get in the yellow pages and call around. Ask if they carry 20" truck tire tubes. That is what you need. I know there are several big truck stops down in your area, so you should be able to get a line on some tubes.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You can buy 20" air bladders, but most of those have valves that are placed to fit the kind of tubes they are made for. The vinyl or urethane bladders will also cost as much or more than new inner tubes.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good ol' Walmart would be a good place to look for fins for youngsters. Be sure you take them in and have them wear whatever they are going to be wearing when they have the fins on. If they will be wearing water shoes and a pair or two of socks, they will want larger fins than if they were going barefoot.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Garts or Sports Authority might also carry small fins. You can also check with either swimming pool supply or even a dive shop. You will probably have to pay a lot more once you get away from WalMart or a large outlet.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you find the tubes, they will have a long stem on the air valve. That will point straight up and out if you do not bend it to the side. There is a way to do that, using the ring ends of a couple of wrenches, that will get the bend made without crimping the brass valve stem. Let me know if you need some help. I have replaced a lot of tubes over the last 45 years of tubing.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]By the way, your other option would be to look at some of the Griggs V boat tubes at Sportsmans. They run about $50, but are a lot easier to get in and out of (than the round tubes), and they are not bad craft for the money. If they really decide they like that stuff, you can usually upgrade and get most of your money out of a resale to someone else who is just getting started.[/#0000ff]
Thanks for the info, I have 2 tubes on order. Now I need to look for fins. My boys will be excited.