Anyone out there know where I can get my hands on some Mepps Lightnin's. They have been discontinued, and I can't find any. Specifically, I'm lookin for #2 dressed, in Chart, red, silver, gold. You can email me at [url ""][/url]. Thanks
Hiya rtagz, welcome to BFT!
Wish I could help you out with the Mepps Lightnin' but I've never heard of them. You may try asking in the [url;]Fishing Tackle Auctions[/url] to see if they can help you find some.
[center][/center][center][/center][center]are you sure you dont mean these?[/center] [center]Thunder bugs[/center] [center][/center] [center]
[url ""]Mepps[/url] : [url ""]Thunder Bug[/url] [/center] [center][url ""]
![[Image: ico_thun_bug_dressed_treble.jpg]](
[/url] [url ""]
![[Image: ico_thun_bug_treble.jpg]](
[/url] [url ""]
![[Image: ico_thun_bug_hackle.jpg]](
[/url] [url ""]
![[Image: ico_thun_bug_single.jpg]](
[/url] [url ""]Thunder Bug Dressed Treble[/url] [url ""]Thunder Bug Plain Treble[/url] [url ""]Thunder Bug Dressed Single[/url] [url ""]Thunder Bug Plain Single[/url]
[/center] [center][/center] [center][/center] [center][/center] [center][/center]
most every major tackle shop carries them, including cabelas, bass pro, gander mountain
mepps dosnt make a lure called lightnin unless it is so new they forgot to place it on thier own web site....
Mepps used to make a lightnin, it was a variation of an aglia long that had a different tape and hackle. they came in sizes 0,1,2,3, and in chartreuse, gold, silver, red, and black. They had brass bodies and the blade had a glitter decal. The now make an aglia long that is very similar. I'm specifically looking for chartreuse, size #2 dressed. They were probably made for trout or bass, however I have found that they are deadly on chain pickeral.
thanx for the effort though.
if you click on the link I provided above and look around the site you will be able to order a catalog. it will have every thing they make.
also I wanted to ask to make sure that you were not thinking of a mister twister wich is a sister company of mepps....
I have a link some where for their site as well if you are intrested. you can order the mr twister catalog from them....
they are discontinued, thats why i was asking if anyone has seen any in any tackleshops. Sometimes they sit on the shelf for a while.
;ya I know what you mean, mom and pop stores will be your best bet of finding one of those units. just make sure to stop at every mom and pop shop when you get to your destination, the more sucluded the more likley they will have it on the shelf.
I have cooresponded with mepps and they have replyed to my queries fairly promptly.
[center][url ""]Ask Shep[/url][/center]
if worst comes to worst then you can make them.
I would still check out the free catalog to see if they have something similar...
![[Image: clear_dot.gif]](
You may request your
FREE Mepps Fishing Guide and a Mister Twister Tackle Catalog by mail.
[/center] [url ""]Request Catalogs[/url]
Down Load Catalog The Mepps Fishing Guide is available online in PDF format.
[url ""]View Catalog[/url]
Rtagz, are you still there after all these years? Mepps certainly did make a "Lightnin " spinning lure.
I have three. They are smaller than you want, two 0's and a 1. But what made them Lightnin's was a AGLIA LONG spinner with a foil label on the front. The foil was a a bright colored crackle look that matched a fly with a treble hook. Mine were yellow, orange, and black all on silver. They are about thirty years old.
Hope you are there,
I have one in GREAT condition. I have a whole Mepps Killer Kit in fact. Email me if you're still looking after all these years!