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Full Version: Good O'l Rocky
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How does everyone think about our beloved mayor of salt lake Rocky Anderson and his abuse of his office to form protests agianst our President?? I thought it was dispicable what he did,He has a right to voice what ever he wants but to use the MAYORS office for a launching pad to form protest is WRONG!!
Sure hope he doesn't have any re-election hopes. Still, Even though I might disagree with what he says to the point I wanna puke, I'll go to the wall defending his right to say it mayor or not.
Your right he can say ANYTHING he wants,and he makes me sick also.I dont even know how he got relected in the first place but you can kiss his political career in utah goodbye after that BS last week!
He is also really supported of the Gay's In the state. Plus he is not married make me go mmmmmm
Hey saying that anyone not married is a suspect gay?
That's a little narrow minded even for a Utahn.

I for one salute Rocky for having the balls to stand up and protest the BS in Iraq.
i didnt say he is but i am not saying he isnt
So Its BS in Iraq?? Ok lets have all the terrorists come over here and fight the war here!..Yeah thats a real smart thing..Have all the anti-war anti-bush forgot about sept 11??.I have had 2 cousins and a friend over there for a couple of tours and what they tell me is alot diffrent than what the media tells us.Sure its not going like everyone would like but look at history,did japan,germany,france,england get rebuilt and stablize themself overnite??? takes time,this is what WAR is.We have lost fewer soldiers so far than on sept 11.Give credit to Pres. Bush,The Iraq war is bringing all the terrorist there to be killed not on american soil.At least he is doing somthing about this huge global problem unlike Clinton who was to busy..well doing other things...

Rocky can voice is opinion but dont use the public office to speak for everyone in this state..look at the polls after he did what he did..70% disagreed with the way he did it.
70% disagreed with what Rocky did? That don't mean a whole lot considering the majority of Utahns voted Bush into office. NOW THAT WAS STUPID!!!
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Obviously, we've hit a mexican stand-off here. Niether one of you guys are going to even consider the other's point of view so I'd suggest we just respectfully agree to disagree and leave it at that or we can break out the boxing gloves and let you pound each other into mush and try to beat some sense into each other...[/size][/black][/font]
Rocky has his First Amendment right to do what he did. Was it appropriate? That is the real question. Everyone has their personal opinions on the whole Iraq thing. As a elected public official and chief representative of Salt Lake City, I strongly feel he was inappropriate in calling for the protest in his position as Mayor for the Presidents visit to our city. It's not like all SLC citizens share his viewpoint. It is my opinion that he crossed the line and became an embarrasment (again) for the city and the state. Just my two cents worth. Mr. J.
So I guess your calling 70% percent of us utahns and also rest of america STUPIED for voteing for bush???..Last time I checkd he won by a pretty land side margine over your boy Kerry in the popular vote,the only reason why Kerry got any votes becasue of the FEW and I nean FEW liberial states in the union.Saying that I think your calling the wrong side stupied..And like most liberals (left wing coocks) You cant except your loss,and also your party has no solutions to any problems and all you know how to do is complian and play the blame game.Your other boy(CLINTON) had his 8 years to take charge of the problem terrorism,but choose to ignor the first trade center bombing,andthe US COLE boomings.Bush Is trying to clean up his mess!
Prolly should let this thread die, but (lol)....In the last few days i have heard a few reports that the mayor's office actually organized the whole protest. Why the heck are taxpayer's funding protests? It would seem there might be a few ways to more prudently spend the funds that are taken from us, no? Is it ethical or even legal for tax monies to be spent in such a way?

Yeah, good for Rocky. Reality bothers a lot of people.
First let me say if you don't live within Salt Lake City and are eligible to vote you have no say in the matter. I do live in the city and I'm glad to have someone in the mayors office who speaks for me. If you don't like it thats tough. He won an election fair and square and did it without the help of Karl Rove.

Some love to squak about how the liberals play the blame game and in the same post release diatrab about how it's all Clintons fault. The fault is with George Bush, no not the boy, George. Remember the first gulf war? GWB had the chance and blew it. Thats when all the terrorists started to "bring it".

Right on Rocky.
Roger, I agree with you. Also, I think we should take care of our people first. The poor people that were in the hurricane will probably will not get a red cent, yet we spend billions and billions in Iraq. We will most likely end up getting spit on by the Iraq people once its over, if it ever does. I think we should send Bush over there to help fight, we really don't need him here.
I re-read what i asked and it has nothing to do with republican, democrat, Bush, Clinton....Christian, conservative, liberal...throw your favorite 'organization, title, person, etc' in here.

My question was regarding using public funds for organizing protests. Isn't this the same reason the salt lake county (oops county not city)mayor was investigated? Using public funds (ie taxes) for non-public purposes.

I could care less what one's outlook, political views, religious views, etc are....i had a simple question, that's all

If I recall correctly, he actually told everyone to protest wheather it be for support or not. However he also stated that he does not support it. I for one am more upset that our legislature has less of a backbone than our Mayor does, they are still trying to figure out what freedom of speach really means. I do not mind that we pay him and he made that statement. Isn't that what we pay all of our politicians to do? Do we not elect them based on their opinions and stance on issues? I for one see no big deal in what he said.
My concern I have with Rocky actively participating in an organized protest is the message that this tells organizations that are considering holding their conventions here. President Bush was in SLC because he was invited to speak at a convention that an outside organization was holding in SLC. If I were deciding between various cities where I was going to hold my convention I would certainly factor in his actions. No organization would appreciate bringing in a guest and then have the mayor of that city organize a protest against their guest. In case anyone notices I do not live in SLC; however, I do work there, and the financial impact of the multiple millions of dollars that conventions bring to the entire state of Utah for conventions being held in SLC affects the economy of the entire state.
Sorry Guppy, I just clicked on reply to your message because it was just above mine. I was referring to comments above yours.

As far as public funds for protest, I feel they are no different than public funds for promotion. Public funds were used to put forth the feelings of some of the people who pay those taxes. Other times public funds are used to put forth the feelings of a different group of people. It's all good.

As far as the economic repercussions, for every group that will not come because of the actions of Rocky an equal # of groups will choose to come because of Rocky. You can't make all the people happy all of the time. The leader of the VFW even said the protest would have no effect on the VFW's choice of coming to SLC in the future. They are veterans and understand that even though they may not agree with the message, they fought and many died for the right which Rocky exercised.
thanks to all for keeping this thread civil folks![cool]

i remember some of the threads got pretty intense back when it was the BUSH vs. KERRY election.[shocked]

i enjoy an intelligent discussion with opposing viewpoints. we all have our own take on life.

well, heck i REALLY need to figure out where i'm gonna fish this weekend, since my camping trip has been cancelled![mad][pirate]
