08-27-2005, 09:49 PM
08-27-2005, 11:00 PM
Wheres the report????[unimpressed]
08-27-2005, 11:12 PM
Good question, where is my report. I typed for a half hour, it was a novel, and then spell checked it then posted it and now its gone!!!!! Dang
Here's the abreviated story. Met up with CBR, O4T, tlspyder and others at the ladders. Got there late because of traffic but made it safely across the lake in the dark. Fishing wasn't catching at the ladders for 2 hours and not much better for everyone else. Headed back across lake to area around marina that usually holds fish. Fished 25 feet deep, used submersible light, fish swimming around light all night but couldn't get to bite. Got two suspended under lighted bobber (one on minnow, one on worm). About 2:00 AM started using white with pepper flake tube jig with worm and filled with smelly jelly jigged just off the bottom. That was the ticket. Caught 15 in the next 2 hours. About 4:00 AM it slowed down so we slept til 7:00 AM and then fished for one more hour (3 more fish) before the thunder, lightning, rain, and wind blew us off the lake. All fish were slot cutts. Fun night. We could almost net the fish when they would come in and stare at the submersible light. Very fun to watch.
Here's the abreviated story. Met up with CBR, O4T, tlspyder and others at the ladders. Got there late because of traffic but made it safely across the lake in the dark. Fishing wasn't catching at the ladders for 2 hours and not much better for everyone else. Headed back across lake to area around marina that usually holds fish. Fished 25 feet deep, used submersible light, fish swimming around light all night but couldn't get to bite. Got two suspended under lighted bobber (one on minnow, one on worm). About 2:00 AM started using white with pepper flake tube jig with worm and filled with smelly jelly jigged just off the bottom. That was the ticket. Caught 15 in the next 2 hours. About 4:00 AM it slowed down so we slept til 7:00 AM and then fished for one more hour (3 more fish) before the thunder, lightning, rain, and wind blew us off the lake. All fish were slot cutts. Fun night. We could almost net the fish when they would come in and stare at the submersible light. Very fun to watch.
08-28-2005, 05:44 AM
[cool]CBR caught 3 out in his toon right before the sun went down. By the time I got out there, I didn't even get a bite the whole time in my tube. Tried spoons and plain chub minnow on a hook. AFter the sun went down so did the temps, and FAST. At about 11:00 or so we got a little bored of not catching anything, so we decided to head in and try to net some crawdads with just our fishing nets since our traps weren't yielding much (only got about 20 or so in our traps). We ended up getting around 70 this way, and it was also fun to see the small kokanees swimming in the shallows as we were 'dad huntin'. We had our bait rigs out while doing this. I had a minnow stolen while we were out chasing the little mudbugs, but that was about the only action I got all night. Craig happened to land a nice 22 inch cut that only had one eyeball. Guess that's why he was a little on the skinny side as opposed to most cuts caught outta there the past two years. It was getting cold quick and we got hungry so Craig fired up his grill and we boiled the 'dads, and BOY were they GOOD! They taste even better outdoors when it's cold and you are starving! It was good times, but at about 3:00 a.m. or so we decided to call it a night. The temperature probably got down to the 40's. You could see your breath easily and I should have taken my neoprene waders, but silly me brought the breathable ones, and only a long sleeve shirt under my t-shirt.
All in all, it was still a good time even though I got skunked. CBR is a fun fishing partner. Talked to fishcat on the handhelds and guided him into where we were fishing out from the current of the ladders. Also talked to a new (or non-registered yet-not sure) BFT'r and they were getting bites. I think she was gonna get a moniker like "chickscanfish2" or something like that. TLSpider, it was nice seeing you again.
All in all, it was still a good time even though I got skunked. CBR is a fun fishing partner. Talked to fishcat on the handhelds and guided him into where we were fishing out from the current of the ladders. Also talked to a new (or non-registered yet-not sure) BFT'r and they were getting bites. I think she was gonna get a moniker like "chickscanfish2" or something like that. TLSpider, it was nice seeing you again.
08-28-2005, 09:20 AM
Sometimes you have to relocate before you can get into them, turned out to be a good call. 15 fish in 2 hours is good fishing. Heading right now to try our luck, hope we can find them.
Still havn't hooked up with you yet, we will have to plan on it some day.
Still havn't hooked up with you yet, we will have to plan on it some day.
08-28-2005, 07:18 PM
MGB, yes relocation was the key. I was out of my "territory" over at the ladders since I had never fished there and in the dark is not the best way to learn an area when you are afraid of running over a tube or tune or getting too shallow. It was a really dark night too until the moon peaked over the mountain about 2:30. When I headed back across the lake I decided to try by best ice fishing spot and that was where we caught the fish. It was my first experience with vertical jigging on soft water. But it was just like ice fishing only with a longer rod. We had a great time. And yes I would still love to hook up with you on a strawberry excursion either before or after it freezes! Maybe we can even get B4B to come along but he's prob pretty busy right now with the hunt and all.
Hope you guys find a few today like you always do. I'll look for your report later!
Hope you guys find a few today like you always do. I'll look for your report later!
08-28-2005, 07:27 PM
O4T- It was me, BIGcat you were talking to and it was a FISHcat that you were sitting in.[
] Thanks again for helping me find you guys as I was coming across the lake. It was really dark and I'm not familiar with that area so that was very helpful. Too bad I couldn't have arrived before dark so I could have introduced myself. Also too bad the catching wasn't too good. We ended up doing pretty good once we moved and figured out what they wanted. Anyway it was nice hooking up with you guys and we'll have to do it again.

08-29-2005, 02:15 PM
It's too bad the catching wasn't as stellar. Was slow, only managed 3 all evening/night. I did get to cruise around in the shallows in my waders with Geoff crawdadding and the small kokes were in there in the numbers. Would run into 4-5 of them all together, was wierd. I would shine my light on them and they would stop, then you could reach down and pick them up. Anyone know why we could do this? Was wierd seeing them in there like they were in shock or something similar.