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Full Version: Willard 8/30
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Drove to the south marina turned around and drove back to the north marina after seeing the wind and waves. Launched at 8 AM. Caught a couple of planter wipers straight out from the launch. Headed to the north dike and had a few hits on spinner and worm but couldn't hook anything. Boated out towards the middle and trolled but the wind and waves where so bad that I went back to the N. marina. trolled a bottom bouncer inside the marina with a couple of hits but no hook ups. Started casting the spinner/worm combo and nailed a 5 LB wiper right at the boat. Could see wipers rising and chasing minnows in both the NW corner and SE corner of the N. Marina. Tried rapps and jigs with only a couple more hits. Wipers seemed very picky about what they wanted. Some wipers were right in the grassy area just to the west of the launch in only a foot of water. Couldn't get them to take my lure. Off the water at noon.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Thanks for the report.[/size][/black][/font]
does anyone know of any good flies to use for the wipers or walleye? I usually use flies but haven't fished for wipers on stillwater.