Fishing Forum

Full Version: A new playground for hunters
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Hello Guys,
I just wanted to let you know of a new board we are partnering in that I hope all the hunters on this board will stop in and register.

The site is still being worked on (but is up and running) but I wanted to let everyone here know about it first in case anyone was intrested in moderating a board.

We will start promotion and press releases next week but please let me know if your intrested in moderating there [url ""][/url]

The site is [url ""][/url]
[cool] Well I went out and check it , what a great site !! I'm member #5 (flagmanonice)

Thank you Steve, Look forward to seeing ya there. Hopefully I'll have something to report after this weekend. I'm headed back out to take another run at the elk. Let me know if you have any intrest in moderating a board there?
I'm number 6! theangler, I tried to list you as my referrer. It wouldn't work, so I said [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1]flagmanonice referred me
Hello Guys,
Thank you!!!
I am co_hunter on the board, just so you can track me down. IU'm actually off to take another run at the Elk tommorow so I'll checking in but will be pretty hit or miss until Sunday. Its coming down to the wire just a couple days left.

I encourage evryone who hasn't registered yet to drop by. When I first posted this we had just launched the site and it was pretty quite but things are starting to heat up so please come by and register and let your fellow hunters know about the site!
[url ""][/url]