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Full Version: South Fork of the Ogden Favorite Flies
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To all,

I am casting my net out to all the fly fishermen in the forum to share their favorite flies for the South Fork. The best would be to break them down by time of the day best fished and any tips for the river. For example:

Bead Head Hair's ear
Cream Serendipity


Caddis emerger


Look for seams in the river. There are not a lot of huge holes in the South Fork, but there are hidden holes by banks and behind the rocks. Study the river for a while with polarized glasses and you will see where the fish are holding.

This would be great for someone to share. Next we should hit the Weber, Logan, Blacksmiths fork, Middle Provo, Upper Provo, Lost Creek, etc. This would be a great collection to help each other out.
Parachute Adams
Royal Wulff
Fished in the riffles that have sun on them

Mid Day
Parachute Adams with a serindipity or WD-40 Dropper
Royal Wulff with a serindipity or WD-40 dropper
Sofa Pillow, Stimulator, terestials
Fished at head and tails of pools, undercuts

Elk Hair Caddis w/ chamios caddis dropper
Head of pools in fast water, skate the caddis at end of each cast to make emerger rise rapidly.

When the fishing is fast, fish slow.
When the fishing is slow, fish fast.
Silver beaded flashback hares ear (light hares ear dubbing)
Grey serendipity
Parachute adams

Joes Hopper
Cased Caddis variations
Silver beaded flashback hares ear (light hares ear dubbing)
Parachute adams
Black Wooley Bugger

Elk Hair Caddis variations
Parachute adams
Cased Caddis variations
Silver beaded flashback hares ear (light hares ear dubbing)

I have done a lot of flyfishing on this river, and have found that I do much better if I can fish between campgrounds.