Fishing Forum

Full Version: Daddy's fishing buddy, Utah C&R record?
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My big fishing buddy, Grandpa (father-in-law), and myself did a little fishing in a small stream on Monday. As usual, the Big girl showed daddy how it is done. I did catch a brookie that might be a new Utah C&R record (the last pic). What do you think?
Great pictures, looks like a good day. Gotta love little girls. She's a real cutie. Fish is kinda cute too.
Was that a photo of the fish or the bait ? [shocked] You are lucky you got it ashore and pulled it in before you got arrested for using game fish as bait. LOL !
Sure looks like you guys had an enjoyable time. I'm just glad that monster didn't snap that sweet barbie pole in two! Thanks for sharing.
Fishing with a cute little girl (or boy) is always rewarding. You might enjoy the attached article that appeared in Field and Stream a month or two ago. It's called "Girl Meets Bluegill" but it applies to trout fishing also.