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Full Version: Duck hunting in Texas
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How do I find out if its legal to duck hunt from a boat on a particular lake? I've looked all over the Texas Parks & Wildlife website, and cant find anything. I've found the list of public WMA's (Wildlife Management Area), but the list is small (even though the lands are big). I know that it is legal to duck hunt on Lake Fork, but cant find any info saying it (I used to have lakefront property there nextdoor to a boat ramp, and saw duck hunters with duck boats launching all the time). Anybody know? Thanks.

Howdy Grant, I do not know about Texas laws but you would be best advised to get a copy of your states proclamation and call the wildlife resources if it is still unclear. I know in Utah it is legal as long as the boat is not in motion.
[cool]I'd definately take OEJ's advice and contact the Texas parks and wildlife. Always best to get this type of info directly from the horses mounth.
here's a link to their website: [url ""][/url]
ok here is your plan of action.

one determine if the land is a state owned or managed area. if so contact your nearest game warden.

if it is not owned or managed by the state contact your local township for ordinances. I dont know the laws regarding hunting on property that is not your own or public in texas but your local police station would know for sure. if it is not leagle they will let you know right away eather by your asking or by presenting you with a summons to apear in court for hunting on a restricted area....
Assuming that you know FOR A FACT that the land is open for the lawful hunting of the species that you are interested in hunting: Contact the Department of fish and wildlife and get a written response if possible. Try email. If the season come sneaking up on you and trhey still have not responded talk to them in person or on the phone. IF their answer is negative, you're done. If it is affirimative procede to contacting the local authorities. Preferably the local police department, but if there is none, contact the sherriffs department for that county. Ask them the same question and then make sure there are no lcal ordinances prohibiting your actions. Keep a log of who you talked to, their agency, and if an LEO their badge number (if possible) provided that you can't get a written response which is ultimate.

Now, you may not know whether or not that land is open for the lawful taking of waterfowl: First, go to the local or county agency (depending on your area) to find out who owns the land. If it is government owned, contact the government that owns it. If it is privately owned, contact the owner to get basic waterfowl hunting permission. Then to find out boat legality, proceed with part 1.