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Well i got the urge again to chase some of those big bows and also i went for some walleye and cat bait too.After netting a couple dozen carp minnows i decided to try for some bows before it got to dark.There was a slight breeze just the right conditions for yuba walleyes man do i miss them! [Sad] Anyway i took out my trusty lure and got my first bow about my 5th cast it was a nice fat bow.A litlle while later something just about pulled my rod right out of my hand.Sam was looking at me like i was crazy because i had to catch my rod as it was being pulled from my hand.Man that bow hit like a freight train and kept taking line .Took me a little while but i finally got him.Man if those bows keep growing at this rate there should be some over the 10lb range if the water stays high. Man there was also a ton of carp minnows all over the lake .To bad there isnt more walleyes in there to keep them in check.I am just curious wont cutthroats eat those carp minnows to?
[cool]Ocean, nice bows, dude! Especially that last one. How much did he weigh, about 4 or 5 pounds? Nice going. The lake doesn't look very wide where you were. Was that a little cove or bay you were in?
I dont know how much he weighed but its fatter than it looks in the pic. He probably pushes the 5lb range. Sure fought like he was 10lb though! I took the pic by the dam were i parked.I caught them on the other side .I think i would have caught some more if it didnt get dark on us.Gonna hit it in the morning because only me and sam went and the mrs had to go to orem.So now she wants to go.
Nice fish . Been thinking of going there sometime . Hope it gets a good ice cap on it this year .
[cool]True that, Randy! It sure would be a lot of fun to hook into a 5 pound fiesty slimer-rocket under the ice! What a fight that would be! I hope it gets a good ice cap too. I'm hoping to tube it before that this fall sometime, but gas prices suck right now, and that'll be a drive from Layton.
Wow nice fish!

O4T, I live in Ogden, and I love to float tube too.... we should split the gas cost and carpool.
[cool]That sounds good. We'll have to do it sometime in maybe early Oct. or something like that. I'm pretty booked this month with moving and all. Maybe I'll even get some sinking fly line on my Orvis and bust out the fly rig again. Haven't done that in a few years. I'm sure leaches or whooley buggers would work well for those 'bows, but I was originally thinking Jakes or Panther martin spinners.