Those big bread mushrooms are in season here in mid michigan . after this past week of rain and the above normal temps my favorite stateland spot is just full of them !
slightly toasted , grilled or baked , nature is definatley enjoyed better with butter .
I am a puff ball man my self.
throw it is a pot of deer stew. a big slice lightly grilled and thrown on a slab of grilled salmon with a melted slice of this years pinconing cheese fresh from pinconing michigan.....
makes a hamburger disapear
and talk about smotherin a steak [shocked]
should be about time here too, just as soon as the cold rain begins. we have the cold nights to make them grow but we have to wait for the cold september rains to get them to sprout.
no rain in site for a week.... time to load up on tree chickens or maybe a few extra gills to tide me over till ice on...
You know if you get to piconing , you go strait into town at the northern store and they have a huge namebrand discount fishing department .
As long as the piggy bank dosen't mind you can spend the whole day shopping there , mine squeals all the way there .