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one day i didn,t git any nitecraweers the night before so out by the barn was some old plywee and lumber sayin around and i said to myself, they,ll be some under thereor some blue worms, so i proceeded to pick up the good size piece and there was some good night crwlers and also alot of white and brown colored snails. maybe 1/4 inch long and fat. I USED MY LITTLE 8 HOOK AND PUT IT RIGHT THRU EM. i wondered, huh, i,m gonna try em. so i put em in my box and headed. i says i,m gonna try the snails first. low and behold look out lizzie! i cought GOOOD SIZE RAINBOWS, BROWNS A 2 LB. I ATE HIM. ANDD SOME GOOD BROOKIS FROM MY BROOK. HAD A BAWL!!! THRU ALOT BACK THOUGH. BUT THAT 2LB. CAME BACK HOME. MA LIKED HIM TOO. I LIKE USIN SNAILS!!
you have to be careful looking under plywood for worms i used to do the same thing when i was living in texas had to be quicker then the chickens who stood beside me and tried to grab them first anywho i'm down on my knees one day chickens beside me i flip over a peice of wood an lo and behold there is a little 8" rattle snake before i could even think of bolting one of the chickens grabs it and takes off running with a bunch of other chickens chasing it ! crazy damm birds never did see what became of the snake needless to say took a couple of days off from worm hunting
We have used smails before at the pond.. I should try some in the trout stream!

and what a story about the rattle snake and the chickens.. haha.. good thig the chickens saved you! Smile
the things you remember i had forgotton all about it until i read lou's story i was only about 9 at the time

so do you use the snail shell and all our do you stick a hook in them and pull them out of the shell ?
I have used the little ones in the shells (and leave the shells on) and the bigger ones without a shell. The ones without a shell leave a nast yellow slime on you that won't wash off... it is so gross. I don't mind slimey, but this stuff should be illegal!

I am thinking that these are the snails that Lou is talking about.
i think she means the regular gardan ones....nasty yellow slime huh think i'll just stick to lures
Hey Susan, you can lick the yellow slimmy stuff, from the snails, off,[Wink]It just adds a little protein to your diet! LOL[crazy]
[size 3]I'd be afraid my Tongue would stick to my finger.... [Tongue][/size]

[size 3]of course, when I vomit afterwards, that would take care of that! [crazy][/size]
WOW! I,D BE CAREFUL TOO IF I WAS YOU! WEll i,m pretty lucky here, we dont have rattlesnakes, well we got timberrattlers but there on my mountain, up in the rocks, we got what are atters they can make ya sick but not kill ya. and the little green grass snakes. so i,m pretty lucky, i git the nite crawlers pretty quick under there haha and the little blue worms dont move too much cayse its damp they dont realize i got the plywood up fer it,s too late haha casue the grass is up pretty good under ther. all the years we,ve had the house there was only one atter that was under the porch of the house and the one of the times course it had to be when i had bombfire down to the house and ma was feedin her an apple when it decided to come out. ahah that was fun. bombfire did some fancy dancin, haha so,s not to hurt me or ma. and got away from there reall quick. ahah other than that i haven,t seen any. thats one thing i dont like. ahha course that was my pony. it is fuuny haow them chicken grab stuff quick ahha there good hunters, ahha, they can take all the snakes they want in my book. haah you was lucky.ya i would too! haha good thing ya got the chickens. ahah
yessa, that what i used em fer. i didnt just throw em in on my line and i had a hit. they have a smeel to em, kinda rank after ya put it thru em, but the fish liked it. hahaha that was alright with me! haha made my day! ma,s too. ahha
haha thats grose! bad enough it sticks to your fingers some, course i dont care, just as long as i git the results. haha good ones! ahha [Smile]