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Kolob Report

We left late Friday from Vegas with a blessing from the brace & bitts. She had to chase me down the driveway - I forgot he cooler of food (& beer). Missed all the scenery in the dark, almost missed the turn off of nine. Spotted no deer or elk, just slow elk & their calves. It was windy & chilly when we arrived & set up. As usual my partner did not lift a paw to help me set up. It got cold. The water in Hunter’s bowl froze almost solid. Very thankful Sue sent that extra Hudson’s bay along. I’m still itching though.
Saturday AM was calm for about 20 minutes, then the wind started. Whitecaps. I took a couple of the rocks out of the front the canoe (ballast) so it would ride a little higher. The dog still had to sit in the cold water coming over the bow. The lake was still full to the edge of the spillway but not rushing over. I have never seen it so full, probably 8 feet more of water. The usual campsites I like were under water. Too windy for my lack of FF skills to overcome so I started trolling a brown trout looking Panther Martin, no hits. Stopped on the lee side (wind) of the island and caught 2 fat ones right off the bat. Hunter was interested for about the time it took to take his picture, then he went back to stalking the many ducks we saw. We drifted back to camp for lunch. Took a road trip to stock up on firewood (no stinky Aspen!). Still windy.
Headed back out across the bay we were on, I swear I saw the Glouster Fisherman off the point, peering into the wind & waves. We landed 3 more on a 4” sinking Rapala casting toward the shore. Decided to head to the dam side to get out of the wind but got detoured by that little finger past the damn. There were 3 float tubers & a boat down there. Caught one more trolling & one more casting toward the shore. Nice healthy fat fish. Went to the end of the finger & finally hooked one on the fly rod when He hit my Irresistible indicator. The other three tubers caught about twelve between them in the hour I was down there. The trout were rolling a little. Dusk. Sunday dawned with the same wind & chop but a lot warmer, we took one pass in our little bay with no action & decided to call it a trip. Winter is coming.
Hey GreatWest, welcome to BFT, and thanks for the info. I've never fished down that way, but it sounds like you had a fair fishing trip, even if it was a little cold and windy. Is it a long drive from where you live?
Dear Bee:
Thanks for the welcome. Kolob is about 3 hrs from Vegas & over 8900ft elevation. Almost all the trout are an honest 17-18 inch fattys (you can't keep them though, 22"min.). Its more fun to cath them than the usual planter 14incher.

Thanks Vince


hey great west, it's good to see a fellow vegas dweller who does his fishin in so. utah. i usually am fishin quail, sand hollow or kolob 2 weekends a month. let me know when you will be up there and perhaps we can say hi and share a few tips.

p.s. 3 hours to kolob? what are ya drivin a pack mule? i can do it in just over 2.
Dear JJ:

Thanks JJ. I never fished quail , but would like to. I'll let ya know the next time I am heading out , we might be able to hook up.
I let Hunter drive sometimes & that takes a little longer. Although he has a great nose (opening day Oct. 8th!), his night vision is not that great. I have attached a few photo scans to the this post.



sounds good. i hit quail and sand hollow mostly. not too much time speant at kolob. last time i went up there about 6 weeks ago i got distracted with sight seeing and exploring and almost forgot to fish. i'd like it if you could teach the tricks on that lake.