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Full Version: Hunters from La., Miss. can get hunting license refunds
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CASPER, Wyo. (AP) -- Hunters from the Gulf Coast who were affected by Hurricane Katrina will be allowed to get refunds on their Wyoming hunting licenses, even though the deadline has passed.

Wyoming Game and Fish Director Terry Cleveland said Tuesday that the department began receiving calls about refunds shortly after the hurricane hit.

Normally, once a hunting season starts -- dates vary for different locations and different types of game -- a hunter can no longer ask for a refund. But the Game and Fish Commission passed an emergency provision last week to waive that rule for hurricane victims who were not able to travel to Wyoming, giving them until the end of the year to ask for a refund.

In addition to Gulf Coast residents, the rule also applies to employees of state and federal agencies who were required to help with hurricane cleanup and might have missed hunting season.
That was a generous move on the behalf of WY. Many states have a No Refund policy and really don't care. I surprised they even offer a preseason refund plan. I hop this isn't abused.