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[#ff0000][#ff0000]This Weeks Winners wins[/#ff0000] [#000000]"[/#000000][url ""][#0000ff]The Complete Fishing Comic and Joke Book[/#0000ff][/url][#000000]”[/#000000]

[#ff0000]Week Ending 12-21-02:[/#ff0000] [/#ff0000]

[font "Scribble"]hey all,

Today me and my dad headed up to rainbow bay, deer creek he was going to tube and I was going to raft. Well, that did not happen. First thing that went wrong was with the sonar. We could not get it to turn on, My dad could not figure out what was wrong with it. he tried every thing. He crimped the wires and attached them back to the batteries and it did still not work. He finally got a brain waive and went and attached it to his truck battery and it fired right up. The battery that went with it was dead and did not work so he pulled the mount of of his tube and had me cary it down to the water for him. now for my raft, he forgot to charge the pump and I did not bring a spare so I resorted to filling it up with air(this is not a small raft). I got all but the biggest chamber filled and I could not figure out why it would not fill up. I stop for a miute and hear the unmistakable sound of air rushing out of a little hole. I start searching around for the hole and found it just below the oar locks. So, I deflate the rest of the raft and put it back in the truck and head down to do a little shore fishing. Well, I left the worms at home so I stuck a rappala on. That yeilded one hit and no fish. I changed my stragities and started fishing the bottom with power bait. That weilded zero fish also. Meanwhile my dad it getting blown all over the lake in his tube and when he finnaly getsback to shore he gives his waiter and fins to me and says to give it a try. I put on the waiter and fins thinking That since I havent hjad any luck here I will go out and try a little tubing for my first time. I did not have any luck but I did have some fun. While i was out in the water the fish and game man comes down becuase my dad left his wllet in the truck with the doors unlocked. He told my dad that they are going to drop the water levels another 30 feet to do repairs on the dam. I was shocked to hear this considering that the lake is allready very low. All I can say is that today went horribly wrong,but it is still better than school anyday.[/font][size 2]FB2[/size]
You cantt beat a float tube for fun. I have seen some of the funniest things from float tubers. One guy was paddling like mad to try to keep from tipping over after an unsuccessful lauch attempt. Leggs in the air and water flying every where with this guy rolling around in a floating donut. One guy had to stop fishing out of a tube after a near sex change due to a tiger musky. I havent used mine in years, too bad too because those were some fun trips. Good luck with the tubing. And if you need some help with a way to rig that fish finder to a tube, dont be afraid to ask, theres lots of guys here who have done it.
[size 2]I still have my original tube, and I still use it on the Green River. I went there one time with a friend and he dropped his fly rod going through the first rapids--he had to float the rest of the day without being able to fish. [/size]

[size 2]Another time, another friend, we take off from the ramp below the dam and I tell him he has to kick like crazy to get across the river to be able to fish the first hole. Well, that was the last I saw of him all day. He got out in the middle of the river and was a mile downstream before I even got in the water.[/size]
Now that's funny Dennis. We were down in Green River at the State camp ground this summer. Had FB2 and my future son-in-law with us. Neither had fished these waters and neither had ever caught a catfish. The current is so swift there that FB2 tied a rope around his waist to jump into the river from the boat dock. Well I ask a local what they have for fish and was surprised to hear it was only cats. They do say there are some endangered chubs and something else there but have never caught any. So I buy some worms and stink bait. (don't buy stink bait in Green River the stuff I got was so old it was dried out) Went down to the rive and started catching cats on nearly every cast,(toss would be more correct then let the current whip it away) I had a blast but the boys didn't catch on at first. They thouhgt those tugs were the current. Once they figured it out, they just kept a fishin. When they ran out of worms they would go to town and buy more. Heck they bought every worm in town that day!! The had towait 2 days for the new supply to come in. Oh yeah they didn't catch that many fish so the cats around GR are sure fat these days!