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I think the permit results are on line now for antlerless tags .
Is anyone taking a newbe out for the youth hunt ?
A few old timers that I spoke to didn't know about the early hunt for disabled hunters ( October ), anyone else finding the same thing when they talk to the guys ?
You taking the girls this year?

I was checking out the particulars on the disabled hunt. you need to have been a veterain and be perminately disabled.

I also checked out the vehicle hunting permit on privet land and found you need to be paripalegic.

If you find some one who has found a way to make it work for them and they have not been in the service let me know. They do check the status of disabled hunters randomly to varify eligability for the special hunt.

My not being in the service was not for the lack of wanting to, I just could not pass a physical, when I tryed to join every body was trying to get in to the service. They dont let deaf people in the service, or at least back then. Kept me from becomeing a game warden as well. (my dream job) I tryed three branches and all three times I was sent to the same doctor for my physical. the last time I was there he said if he saw me back there again they was going to courtmartial a civilian for waisting their time. "namely me" Ya cant say I didnt try.
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ya I heard about that bait thing, kind of a bummer, but it keeps the youth and disable hunts a little more honest,

I take it the guy with a bad back is a disabled vetrian? at least that is the way the book reads. My back is partialy messed up and I dont dare doing any thing fancy like bowling. I would be laid up for weeks.

congrats to the lonewolf, nice tag, its kind of a bummer now cause he cant get those opening days of deer season off from school exempt. How did he feal about having dad sitting right next to him all them hours in the woods with out being able to talk to each other...

good luck AL on the arrow flinging thing, I am not sure if I will go out opening day or not, I might take a ride out to my spot and watch to see how much traffic there is going in and out. I may wait till monday after every one has gone back to work.

how many kings did you put away this season?