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Full Version: It makes too much sence to work
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Back here in the sticks our kids ride the school bus . Fule prices are forcing bus route changes , some kids have to walk as much as 3 miles to get on the busses , and wouldn't you know it , winter is comming .
Now most of you don't know our so called goveness, she's a real piece of work .
first thing in office she cut school funding drastically , then kept it up again and again . sold off state lands to foreign countrys , hundreds of achers for a buck . Brought canada's trash to our state , funny , she's from canada . fought the casinos for controll of the gambiling because it would take money needed for schools , the mi lottery was suposed to do that , schools get a very small cut from unclamed winners .
the lady takes trip after trip at our expence going to japan , germany and God knows where else.
And our kids have to walk miles to and from the buss in the cold , arts and sports are being cut , lunch programs, dances are going to be history soon as well .
Children are our countrys greatest national treasure .
it seems to me if the fule prices and all the school funding cuts are having such a great impact on the kids development , well she should do right by them , but she won't .
school busses should be tax exempt on there fule . over half the price of the fule goes to taxes . heck , same with our police and fire departments, get em' all a tax free status .
I sure would like to find a stick from the common sence tree and comence a beating on our elected officials , WOULDN'T YOU ?
you remember this next year when she runs for re-election.

she is lacking in inteligence with out a doubt.

you are right, our gas should be duty free, why should we have to pay taxes twice for our services. not only should the busses gas be duty free so should our police local county and state and our fire departments as well along with our state park vehicals.

it dose make too much sence.

to bad we cant clean up the state and the city of detroit at the same time. I wonder if we can talk all three of them to go over to iraq to talk buisness on the same trip. we need both detroit mayor canididates to go with her....

we had the person incharge of elections ballets mailed out almost 200,000 absentee ballets with a large chunk going out to dead people. (I see dead people voting) I guess they would be out of town for the election... perminate residents perminately out of town. This takes me back to the old days of colman young re-elections. What I am not sure of is who put her up to it. the incumbant ot the man who served under colman young?

she got slaped on the wrist with an almost 300 dollar fine and gets to keep her job, one she has had for 20 years, by the way she admited on camera that this was how the detroit elictions were ran for the last 30 years.... I mean Duh! comit a fellony and brag about it...LOL any way cameras will now be placed in her office to monitor election proceedings... when she came out of the cort house whe was madder than a wet hornet and thretining news cameramen with physical bodly harm....

by the way only 15 percent of registered detroit voters showed up at last years elections. 200k absentee ballets would re-elect or vote in a new commer. that was why a cort order mandated that the ballets not be sent out. the cort said that no ballats could be mailed with out a written request for it. that is how it is suspost to work in my neighborhood... I guess detroit is special.

to bad we cant get honest people to run our governments. but then there may be some truth to the old saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

after this last governer we need to pass a law that the governer of our state must be born in our state and a life long resident and has made plans to stay in the state ofter holding office. that way we are not sending our tax dollar pention funds to another state or country... (no offence mr arnald)

of the past governers of our state for the last 50 years only one resides in michigan after holding office here and that is exgoverner blanchard. all the rest live out of state taking our tax dollars with them....[unimpressed]
i am afraid that your not the only ones cutting school bus conn.most of the towns are doing the same thing,thought they dont have to walk 3 miles,,we have two casinos that give a percentage of the slot revenue a month to the state.the adverage is 40 million per month.what kills me is how did we survive befor the casinos,we have a state income tax which was suppose to be temperary about 20 years ago,our taxes has gone up,jobs are moving down buy a house is 300,00-350,000 for a cracker box,yet we are still building strong,you wonder why connecticut has the nickname "the state of corruption"
[font "Viner Hand ITC"][#ff4040][size 3]The government is just Whack in my opinion. They seem to care about other stupid things instead of the children. I thought the children were our future.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
she needs one of those martha stewart vacations , lmao !
I swear that she along with ingler and a bunch of other polititons need to be stripped of every thing they own but the cloths on their backs and put out on a street for a few years before thay sould be allowed to play politics.

as far as I am concerned they can take the politics right out of public service any one caught playing politics should be impeached.....

I also beleive that no politition should be able to run with out first releasing 100% of their financial backing reports and not allowed to raise funds during the year of the election.

it aint going to happen but it sure would clean out the egg suckin varmits from the hen house....[sly][laugh][shocked][Tongue][Wink][Smile]
Sounds like a good idea to me DTC. If more polititions knew some hard times like most of us Maybe they would help us more. Seems like here in CT. if their not put up for prosicution for crimes they keep winning elections. My representive,congress woman and state reps don't even bother to write me back or call. Yet I vote against them every year. My congress woman said it was a good thing for New Oleans to get wacked and my rep. for the state believes in gay rights. $10.00 says they will get back in office.