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Full Version: Willard Bay - October 1, 2005
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I met up with Polokid at his house at 5:45 am. We headed to get the boat and head to Willard. We arrived to Willard just before 7am and we launched. I radio'd to the boys to get a report so far and BassAckwards, Out4trout, and TD were working the areas over with no luck yet.

I equipped my jet boat for some trolling with some rod holders and we started making our way along the North dike and picked up 5 wipers off the bat in the same spot (I circled that same spot).

Once we got to the light post general area we got a radio from Petty calling out for us. We looked around and saw BLM's boat. We gave them our position and brought in our lines to meet up and chat for a minute.

After that we took off to the South side by the sunken island and started trolling. We didn't hook up but missed a few bites. We noticed alot of birds on the water by a HUGE algae bloom so we went over to where it was and trolled through it. After that it was clock work, we would hook up almost each time we went through with singles or doubles.

Things came to a halt around 1PM so we made our way back to the marina to chat with HCD for a minute and eat our lunch. We chatted for a few then we went and packed up the boat.

We ended up boating 12 wipers total and missed several hookups and nibbles.

BLM and Petty had similar success, and I will let the others report there successes or lack of.

[Image: polokid_wipers.sized.jpg]

[Image: petty_wiper.sized.jpg]

[Image: petty_walleye.sized.jpg]

[Image: blm_wiper2.sized.jpg]

Fun time on the water and with good friends. Can't wait for the next outing.
Nice report Craig, I was wondering if you guys made it out on Saturday. "I equipped my jet boat for some trolling with some rod holders", So you have a Jet boat? Did you notice any surface activity where the birds were diving? Those wipers that Rob are holding look fat, how big were they? Did anyone else catch walleye beside P4L? Did anyone mark any schools of shad? I would think the big numbers of shad are getting thinned out by now and I'll hoping we will be seeing boils or at least some surface activity soon.
I have a jet boat, but no way to transport it so I don't get out that often on it and gas prices are too outragious it makes it hard to afford using the boat. No surface activity at all. I have yet to witness any serious boils, just small ones that last a few minutes here and there. Those wipers were in the 19-20 inch range. I did notice the fish are getting really fat, each one we caught was thick compared to the ones I have caught earlier this summer. No sign of any other walleye caught.

Here is a pic of the keepers we kept. They were all pretty darn fat.

[Image: keepers.sized.jpg]
[cool][#0000ff]Willard was not tubin' friendly that morning. I launched about 6:45 and the water was glass. By 7:10, the south wind started picking up. By 8 it was getting bothersome. I was off the main lake and relaunched in the marina by 9, and only floated in the blue green algae for about an hour before bagging it all together.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I caught one 13" channel cat on a small jig about 7:30 and had a couple of solid whacks, but no hookups, while throwing plastics and lipless cranks around the brush island off Pelican Beach. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I was "enriched" however. I found a quarter in the sand on Pelican Beach and a dime near the water in the marina. Probably just about covered that last squirt of the gas pump as I topped off my tank after getting home.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Shoulda gone to Lincoln Beach as originally planned. Got a report of some good walleye action early.[/#0000ff]
[cool]Here's my report that I attatched to pennyfarmer's thread:

[size 1]Yesterday at Willard was pretty slow for me and most of the other tubers/tooners. Marked some fish here and there, but not a lot, and from what I heard, they were REALLY stacked up down towards the feed lot. There were lots of BFT'rs out yesterday. TubeDude, BassAckward, me, Fishhound, CBR, Polokid, our own moderator (BearLakeMack), Petty4life, HCD, and that's all I can recall at the moment. I know CBR and polokid had a pretty good day (considering the W). Most of us tubers got blown off the lake at some point, and overall it was pretty slow fishing.

Anyhew, I did manage to land my first Wiper, a (20 incher) and here's a picture of the fiesty fishy:[/size]
[inline geoff2.jpg]
[size 1]

Man they sure are a BLAST to catch. I hope that one is the first of many more in the future. I'm gonna hit Willard hard next summer now that I live closer to it. [/size]