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Full Version: Good ole Buster
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It was the begining of salmon season and me and a good friend decided to book a salmon charter in BC. We packed our gear made our arrangements for the boat. We then headed out to beautifull BC Canada that was 15 hrs away. When we arrived on time at our appointed destination at the fishing docks. I was suprised to see a family of seals living under the dock of where our charter was located. They sure were active swimnming,splashing,yelping,and
waiting for fish scraps and fishermen to get back from fishing. Cause they knew the fishermen cleaned their fish there and it was a easy meal. They sure do put on a good free show for tourists like my self.

Really interesting lil buggers and with a curious mind a feroicious appitite. I was amazed how fast they could
gulp down the salmon scraps that would fall into the water.

Anyways we got on to our boat, and we were on our way. The Captin of the boat was a true man of sea and knew his stuff he lead us right into the Salmon. And in no time at all the reels were screaming with lunker salmon on each rod. Those fish would exhaust our arms to the max. My friend which is a smaller man and with attitude of warrior and very lil patience landed into something huge. His fishing rod bent over in arch like manner as if he was lifting 50 pound bag of twisted metal from bottom of the Sea. I looked out into the ocean looking for this BIG
Fish to rise, and i seen it rise alright.
It wasnt just a fish it looked black from a distance as it bobbed up and down in the waves. It was one of those dam round headed seals from back at dock.
with my friends salmon in its mouth!
The Captin Just laughed with glee and said see that lil bugger there eating your salmon, he can find me anywhere on this dam ocean!. I named him Buster hes eaten a many of my clients fish. So any ways the captin and this seal were close. I Kept my mouth shut as i watched my friends face turn beautiful shades of red in anger.
ANd all of cause of his new found friend that bobbed up and down amongest the waves snacking on his trophy salmon.
To make it even worse
"BUster" the seal followed us back to the boat dock.And
as my friend was cleaning his only small salmon that buster never stole. He decided to try to make friends with the Buster by trying to feed him a few scraps. In return "Buster" took it as a insult and splashed him right in the face and wouldnt eat it any of it. Buster then just floated out in between the docks clapping his Flippers cackling at my friend like he was laughing at him.
We headed back home with memorys of big Salmon and good ol Buster.

The End
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]Sounds like you and your buddy and buster had a good ole time. By the way are you planning on going back to that place again???[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
Good Story, I have seen them living on the Docks of B.C. also.