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Full Version: Clam Ice Shelters - Good or bad?
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[size 1]I posted this in the Utah forum as well, but I'm hoping to get some advice from outside of Utah as well. My brother is looking into getting himself an ice shelter for this season. I would really appreciate some opinions on Clam's line of shelters. I'm looking for info on durability, quality, ease of setup, etc. He's thinking of picking up the Clam 5600 with the new link system. If he does, I may sell my Frabill Hideout and buy a Clam as well so that we can hook them together. I would also appreciate some advice on what a 2 year old Frabill Hideout in nearly new condition should sell for.

Thanks in advance.

Ben [/size]
i own a clam is about 11 years old and still going has been used just about every day during the season with 6-7 overnite trips i have seen the new ones and they still have the quality as mine.the new ones seem to be easyer to set up than takes me about 5-10 min alone to set far as price i wouldn't pay much more than half
the one I am most immpressed with is the one that is a sled with built in seets and closes like a convertable and will lock in about every position if you want to be half covered quarter or three quarter to fully covered. it also has doors. it only has the sled part that has a floor, the rest is all ice. cant hardly miss cuttin a hole that way...

they have the one man two man three and four man. I dont know if they are conectable or not.

I was impressed with the material it was built out of, heavy construction and if well cared for would last for many years.

I had a 2 man clam years ago which had ply wood floor. the galvanized poles lock buttons failed after a number of years, I ended up throwing it away, well setting it out on the side of the road and it got picked up. the floor was still ok and so was the plastic canvas. it was noisy to sit in during heavey winds, it had more rattle to it than a day care play pen full of three year olds..

after seeing the convetable type I will never buy another clam, I think I would save my money a little longer and get the convertable. its only a couple hundred more.

I agree with you value assesment, they do tend to loose value right away. not only is it a matter of some one wanting a deal or buy new mentality, there is more fear about how some one else handled it and how much care did they take when packing it out and back and how well was it stored. it only takes a pin hole to make things miserable in side one of those shelters. especialy if it is on the roof....