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Full Version: hunting and 4 wheelers?
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Not being a hunter I thought I would pose the question here.

What is the rule on carring a fire arm on your 4 wheeler while hunting? I hear that it is against the law in many states. The rule is you can pack out your hunt but the gun has to be walked out/in? Kinda silly rule if you ask me. I know in Alaska you could cover the land with your firearm on board.
In Minnesota , you can use them while hunting small game , and during big game season too , but only before 8:00 am , 11:00 am -1:00 pm , and after 4:00 pm during big game season. But you always have to have your gun unloaded , and in the case while your in transport , also , no shooting off them either !!!

Every state seems to have their own laws. CT you had better be 500' from a road or house. In Maine you just have to step to the side of the road. An unloaded gun in a truck should be common sense but up north the elderly do alittle road hunten and most folks look the other way.