Hi, I love this website but my pc hates it! When ever I get on from my home pc I windows explorer closes down saying there is a problem.
I can pretty only get on here from time to time when I am at the library here at the U.
Can anyone tell me what is doing this? Feel free to pm me so I can get the answer. Thanks!
Is your home pc up to date on explorer. If your machine is not up to date I would update it. Just a thought
If Internet Explorer gives you fits, try using Mozilla Firefox as your browser.
I switched aboout a year ago and haven't looked back. It's supposed to be more secure and do a better job with spyware and popups, it's just as easy to use as IE, and best of all, it's FREE.
Download at [url "http://www.spreadfirefox.com"]www.spreadfirefox.com[/url].
Theres also opera for a browser it is free also and it is set up nice.
[url "http://www.opera.com/"]http://www.opera.com/[/url]
Bigben1 I have the occasional problem with the website also but it is only intermitent. I am running explorer also and everynow and then it crashes the whole computer. I just live with it but I would also suggest a alternate browser and who knows you may enjoy it more.
Thanks. This [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1]Mozilla Firefox seems to work pretty quick. Now I will be able to post stuff more often!
I run firefox and its way faster than IE,its more secure and is easy to set up.
you guys running IE have got to try it.its way nicer.