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Full Version: Canyon Lake & Upper Guadalupe River Guide Report
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Water clear; 77 degrees; 907.50' (1.5 feet low)

Largemouth to 5 lbs. are very good along breaklines of flats in 3'-8' using white Terminator "Red Series"
spinnerbaits, 1/4 oz. Rat-L-Traps and pumpkin JDC Skip-N-Pop topwaters. Mainlake and secondary creek points in 8'-15' are producing early/late and all day under cloud cover
on JDC 4" rootbeer Strike Grubs on jigheads, Carolina rigged green-pumpkin Snap Back creature baits and camo Drop Shot worms. Upriver, bass are good in and around laydowns and brushpiles in 3'-6' using Texas rigged Chameleon Scoundrel worms. or 4" Ring Worms.

Smallmouth to 3.5 lbs are improving along ledges of points in 8'-15' using watermelon-red fleck 4" Strike Grubs, 4" Whacky Sticks and Devil's Tongues on drop shot rigs.

Crappie are fair to good upriver in 6'-12' tight to trees and brushpiles on minnows.

For lodging suggestions or to book a guided trip w/the only
licensed, fulltime, professional guides fishing Canyon Lake contact JR's Guide Service ( Call (830) 833-5688 or email Your most convenient source for live bait and tackle is Canyon Bait House, 15605 Cranes Mill Rd., (830) 899-9747.