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This is great news for tiger trout fans. Would'nt it be cool if the DWR planted some tigers in the Berry.

Watch out, Utah chubs: Tiger trout placed in Scofield Reservoir
PRICE — A new game fish — the tiger trout — has been placed by the Division of Wildlife Resources in Scofield Reservoir.
Tiger trout are a sterile hybrid, developed by combining the eggs of a female brook trout and the milt of a male brown trout. Because they're sterile, tiger trout grow fast, putting their energy into growth rather than reproduction. Tigers are also beautiful fish, renowned by anglers for their fight and their table quality.
About 80,000 fingerling (3-inch) tiger trout were planted by the DWR in Scofield in early September. They could be catchable-size (nine to 10 inches) by next fall.
The DWR has witnessed tremendous growth rates of tigers in other reservoirs. In Duck Fork Reservoir, for example, some fingerling tigers grew 12 or more inches in a single year. That's about double the rate rainbow trout will grow in a year.
Utah chubs illegally introduced to Scofield
The reason the DWR introduced another trout to Scofield is not entirely for sporting reasons.
During surveys at the reservoir in the spring of 2005, DWR aquatics biologists discovered Utah chubs in their gill nets. That was the first time Utah chubs had shown up in surveys since the reservoir was treated in the early 1990s to remove undesirable fish populations, including Utah chubs. Apparently, the chubs were brought to Scofield by anglers who were using them as live bait. The practice of using live fish as bait is illegal.
The discovery of chubs in Scofield could be catastrophic for the fishery. Utah chubs are extremely prolific. They reproduce rapidly and can outcompete game fish in a flat-water fishery.
Joes Valley is a good example of this. Anglers, illegally fishing with live chubs, introduced this nuisance species to Joes Valley years ago. The number of chubs in the reservoir has prevented the Joe's Valley fishery from reaching its full potential. While trophy splake are still readily available, much of the reservoir's productivity is tied up in chubs. Fisheries managers are faced with trying to return this fishery to its full potential within financial and bureaucratic constraints that eliminate many options.
Tiger trout could be the answer
Scofield Reservoir is among the four top fisheries in Utah. Losing Scofield's fishery to an invasion of chubs would be devastating.
Chemically treating the reservoir again to eliminate chubs would be very costly. In today's dollars, a treatment would cost a staggering $1 million. In addition, it takes years to satisfy the environmental and bureaucratic requirements that must be met before a treatment can take place. Hopefully, the tiger trout will be the answer fisheries biologists need to control the reservoir's chub population.
Tiger trout — a great chub-fighting fish
Chubs are commonly found in shallow water and shoreline zones, where they consume the food and occupy the space needed by young trout.
As the trout grow, they often move to deeper, cooler water and lose contact with the chubs. This helps the chubs, because they're less vulnerable to attack from fish that are large enough to eat them.
Tiger trout, however, are piscivorous (fish eaters) from an early age. They seem to be more willing to hunt for prey in shallower waters than many other trout subspecies are. Fisheries managers hope that tigers will keep Utah chubs from outcompeting and overrunning other game fish in the reservoir.
[cool]Bigfishrule, this is very good stuff. Thanks for sharing it with "the class". I'm excited about the fact that there will be catchable sized tigers in there for next year's ice fishing season. Meanwhile, I'm VERY excited about THIS coming ice season. Hopefully they will indeed keep the chubs in check, because I don't think that there's enough cuts in little 'ol Scofield to do the trick. Speaking of tigers, I heard they planted a bunch in Rockport a year or so ago, which should mean we'll bring some through the ice this year along with all of those fun little perchies and smaller slime rockets ('bows).

Don't think I'm going to touch the 'berry chub issue. Don't want to open a huge old can of worms.
Have you heard any reports of any being caught out of Rockport? I also know they planted some in East Canyon a couple of years ago, but they did'nt seem to make it there.
[cool]Not sure about the tigers in Rockport. CBR would be the one that keeps track of that stuff. He's at Powell this weekend, but I'll have to ask him when he gets back. He's the one that told me of the plantings last year in there. I really think they might start showing up through the ice this year. THere's certainly enough chubs in Rockport for them to live on, that's for sure.
And those darn pesty mini eye, HA!
[cool]True, Don, but those mini-'eyes sure taste GREAT in the frying pan! Can't wait to get up there and get a whole mess of 'em!! Here's to hoping Rockperch freezes earlier than mid-late Jan. this year!![crazy]
Right but,, why arent they called Tiger-eyes [Wink]
that is fantastic news. can't wait till they get bigger.
come on ice.