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[#000080][size 4]If you have old wooden decoys please e-mail me any time and I will do my best to help you with them.[/size][/#000080]
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[#000080][size 4]Hello Folks [/size][/#000080][size 2]
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[#000080][size 4]I would like to offer you these notes for you readers to enjoy.[/size][/#000080][size 3] [/size][#000080][size 4]

Please feel free to edit in any way and use them in local newspapers.
[/size][/#000080][size 3] [/size][#000080][size 4]
I would be pleased to also send you pictures of decoys and or myself.
[/size][/#000080][size 3] [/size][#000080][size 4]
Please feel free to call or contact me for more information.[/size][/#000080][size 3] [/size][#000080][size 4]

Steven Lloyd[/size][/#000080][size 3] [/size][#000080][size 4]

Decoy Information Center[/size][/#000080][size 3] [/size][#000080][size 4]
441 Elmwood Dr.[/size][/#000080][size 3] [/size][#000080][size 4]
Belleville Ontario[/size][/#000080][size 3] [/size][#000080][size 4]
1-613-968-8899[/size][/#000080][size 3] [/size][#000080][size 4]
1-613-922-7000 cell[/size][/#000080][size 3] [/size]


Hello Folks
Its, "MR. DECOY OR THE DUCK MAN also known as Steven Lloyd..
Your old decoys are much more valuable than you think!
Just ask the thousands of folks that e-mailed, phoned or knocked on my door this summer.
All asking the same question, "ARE MY DUCKS VALUABLE AND HOW VALUABLE"?
All very surprise at the potential value of their dusty old wooden geese, shorebirds and duck decoys.

I’m very pleased to see so many readers on the web have passed on our free Decoy Evaluation Services to your friends and family that are still not on line. Our post man on the other hand not so happy because hundreds are sending their decoy pictures by post this summer.
There are hundreds of people reading this that still have thousands of old wooden duck, goose and shorebird decoys but do you know the true value potential of your decoys? Many folks are still selling the family decoys at yard sales and in second had shops. We saved 5 magnificent shorebirds from there trip to a Salvation Army Store in Boston in a family estate.
Countless people contacted us after ending up with undocumented decoys from loved ones that have past on.

Here is a few tear jerkers. I was having a coffee this morning at our local Tim Hortons and an elderly lady started talking to me. She "said hay you are the DUCK MAN, have I got a few stories for you. When I was young I dragged decoys around the farm behind my bike and I helped my Dad burn over 200 old wooden decoys when I was about 15 because we were selling the farm. Most didn’t burn to well because they were hollow.
The burning of decoys story was told to me by 6 different people this summer. Why do people like to see me cry?
Most of the owners think they have a few old interesting wooden birds. So keep them in their home as a keep sake to remember a family member. Many are headed to the next family yard sale! Please "NO DON’T".

Please feel free to edit the "DUCKY INFORMATION" you can use in a feature article for your local paper or magazine and ask for pictures we will e-mail them for free!
I am not a writer but I love sharing my 30 years of researching decoys and helping thousands of folks with their decoys.
I do enjoy the hundreds of people that call or visit to see my collection each year.
Here is a little about my HOBBY, PASSION and LIFE STUDY, of North America’s old hunting decoys and their history.
Please poor a coffee and enjoy...

I know we can excite, intrigue, Sadden and entertain you folks and always look foreword to hearing from you.

"Excite" We all hope our decoys are valuable, worth $1,000.00's and may be!
"Intrigue" The history of decoys, the art form, hunting and the families that used them.
"Sadden" Many people have given away their decoys and always wondered about value..
"Entertain" Mr.Decoy has endless stories of old decoys, unique people and hunting history.
Treasure hunting in your own home? You bet!
Yes! If you have old wooden duck decoys, goose decoys or shorebird decoys you have treasure. .
That basket of decoys in your basement may be worth more that any pirate’s treasure!
We are talking about the old hunting decoys used by your father or grandfather.
$1,000,000.00 is the world record price, paid for one wooden decoy.
I know you Readers own thousands of old wooden duck decoys still. Many folks display decoys in there homes, cottages, camps & offices. The great finds are still hiding in the original apple basket or potato sack in lofts or basements of cities and country homes, cottages barns even boathouses, throughout North America.
While you are reading this little "duck tail" do you find your mind running over all the places you have seen old duck decoys in your lifetime. GOOD! . Maybe that apple box or sack full is still there. Pop a picture of it and email it to Steven at the Decoy Information Center and he will give a you a free evaluation and identifacation. Then you can make a more informed choice on what to do with them, like save them for the kids or buy a new car ( if you are a little lucky).
Hundreds of decoys in North America have been saved by the families of hunters, to be passed to the next generation. "That’s Great"! But knowing which decoys in your flock are worth thousands and what ducks are dogs is important..
I visited with many folks this summer, some with large flocks of decoys. One rig of old decoys numbered over 200, all amazing hollowed bodied early Lake Ontario birds decoys. We named and dated all but 11 decoys.
Another flock was left to a hunters wife that was stumped on what to do with them before she called us. After studying her 80 plus birds and telling her they could potentially be worth over $50,000.00 she got on the phone and said "I am sorry I can’t give you my decoys for the rummage sale but you can still have the furniture".
I have talked to many people like me over the years that have a true passion for finding old items. We all have one thing in common. We are all "treasure hunters" . We wonder with anticipation through out the year, to antiques shops, antique markets, flea markets and are usually the first ones Saturday morning at the yard sales with cash in pocket and dreams of the next great find. All the time praying to the yard sale gods that we are the first customer to see that rare old decoy or antique treasure that we can’t live without...
The joy of modern technology

Cell phones and digital cameras send pictures by e-mail with NOW. This helps us get your decoys pictures and information back in know time.
I love looking at other people’s old decoys.
I have climbed up in dusty attics, under more that a few cottages, scared by many basements were the ceiling was lower than me and traveled hundreds, even thousands of miles at times to have look at old hunting decoys. Yes I am "NUTS" when it come to old dirty decoys. It’s a life long treasure hunt for me. But like the great archeologists, I don’t need to own the great decoys I can settle on just having the opportunity study them.
My dream is to help as many people as possible in my life time evaluate their old wooden decoys and to educate folks, city dwellers and county folk, about their decoys, the history and their value. Many international and local Museums, local and international auction houses also dozens of special events have also asked for help. Some Auctioneers e-mail us pictures of decoys that are coming up in sales weekly. When they get history and data on their decoys usually they sell for much more.
My traveling display is much like "The Antiques Road Show" only I specialize in Antique Decoys. I bring out a few dozen of my old quackers from that area and from across North America for people to enjoy.

I have displayed at dozens of special events and look forward to many more invitations from a wide range of organizations.

I love exchanging decoy and hunting history while helping people with their old wooden birds.

I offer my 30 years of specialized knowledge gained while researching old decoys and talking with thousands of great people from all over Canada and the world.
Many people looking for help, come to my home to visit the duck house display. I get many e-mails with pictures of decoys, from all over the world and I’ve had countless invitations to cottages, camps, farms, homes, shops and museums.
I have even helped several people that bought cottages, camps and homes. They found old dirty duck and shorebird decoys under and in their cottages some were worth thousands! Almost as much as the property. My advise, be careful of what you leave behind, give away or sell.

It is a life long passion and hobby I have nothing for sale and I have no fees for my services. I just sharing information for free.
My payment is to see new decoys for my research and helping you readers, your friends and families.

My Decoy Information Center was created to help all people with decoys. The name was conceived at a meeting with The Canadian National Sportsman Shows many years ago.


I have been told I have a contagious and tireless passion for old decoys. The History of Canadian, Waterfowling, Hunting, Decoys is my life along with my family and real job. I love talking about decoys ! I have been called "Canada’s Top Dog in Old Ducks " , " Canada’s foremost Authority," "Mr Decoy," "The Duck Man" The Walking Decoy Encyclopedia and "A One Man Antique Road Show" let not forget the professor of "decoyology" (is that a word?).
I have a life long passion to help people study their old wooden duck and bird decoys.
As a healthcare professional, I have been dedicated to support and cared for hundreds of people with developmental disabilities, for many years. My compassion, for all people, is one of my "tools" that helps me assist so many different people and families with their decoys.
I have helped thousands of people identify and evaluate their decoys in their homes, my home, at shows and special events. I look forward to helping you.
Many people have decoys that have been in their family for generations or are from a past love one. I feel it is important to be sensitive in sharing my knowledge while informing the family of the value and history of their decoys. It's great to have old decoys but it adds so much to the pleasure of owning a fine old decoy when you have details of it's history. I love seeing pictures of your Dad’s or Grandad’s decoys but so often decoys in the rig were made by others. That’s often a good thing ! Many pictures of valuable factory made, Mason decoys have been thought to be made by Dad.. Masons can be worth ,many thousands...

Knowledge gained.

I have an unmatched knowledge accumulated in my 28 years of studying, approximately 100,000 + old decoys, through, special events, shows, media and home visits, through thousands of decoy owners. I have assisted or lent my decoys to museums as large as the Smithsonian, our National Museum of Civilization also much smaller but equally important Museums throughout Canada.
My knowledge sharing, of waterfowling history through the hundreds of personal visits, phone calls, letters, e-mails and photographs, from decoy owners seeking help while sharing invaluable stories of their families and a important part of Canadian Waterfowling history..
My morals,
A phrase from my Mother that stays with me, is, "Its better to give than receive". I sincerely believe that sharing my knowledge with thousands of total strangers who ask, over the years is a gift I offer unconditionally, as a way of paying back all people for the unmatched knowledge I have accumulated.
My computer skills!

I now help people from many parts of the world in seconds, through the internet.
I add to my studies daily from the net. I receive e-mailed pictures of decoys daily.
I access my unmatched, "Decoy Database" and return a wealth of accumulated knowledge to the decoy owners faster than ever before. I will always enjoy pushing the computer aside and setting down in the evening with my favorite pen and answering decoy letters mail from those that don’t do email.

I have a passion for to see your decoys, undiscovered outdoor related treasures and new knowledge on water fowling history.
A editor complementing one of my feature stories on decoys recently said to me, "it is not duck season"
This is one of the common fallacies that has added in the export of over 80% of all valuable Canadian decoys. Most people who still have old decoys are no longer hunting. Decoys are hunted, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, through out Canada by many antique dealers and treasure hunters. In fairness most antique dealers have vast knowledge of antiques but very few have extended knowledge of old decoys. The study of decoys is a speciality few have mastered. So how can you get a fare offer on your decoys if the buyer is not sure what they are looking at? A second or third opinion is always a good idea.

Duck decoys articles, are pigeon holed and directed to hunting antiques even home decor . It may be more beneficial to readers to direct articles to all types of people.. family members, senior citizens, cottage owners that own decoys or know someone that has attained decoys from family friends, sales or even from a previous tenant.
The yard sale is the biggy... thousands of decoys are sold at yards sales across Canada each summer.. This is not a bad thing, we all can use a few more bucks at our yards sale. But I have shared the tears of many who have found out later that the bag of decoy were the top selling item at there neighborhood sale....But could have brought the family thousands in stead of few dollars.
One persons another persons treasure..
I pride myself on helping so many people that want to sell their decoys, get a fair price by giving them many other options like museums.

Before they get to the family yard sales, church sales..and community fun raisers, to be sold for a fraction of their value give us a call everyone wins !

Life Goals
One of my life long goals and dreams is to help people, year around, appreciate their old dusty blocks for the "art form" they are. To help change the view of old quackers from a near useless hunters tool, too the unique Canadian folk art that is momentarily & historically valuable.

My collection
'Please invite my decoys to your special event !
At one time my collection was in the hundreds. Now much more modest.
It is still large enough to box up and display at my many displays.
The primary function of my collection is for Canada wide and regional displays. Having regional decoys on display at special events, helps people identify their decoys at home or at their cottage and gives us a starting point of researching their decoys.… I always welcome new invitations to talk about and display my and your decoys .
One of the secondary functions is for my personal enjoyment... and to aid in my on going research. As a researcher, I have excess to many other Canadian collections for reference to expose the allusive history of your decoys .

Recent projects:
Please allow me to look at your decoys and help you by evaluating and sharing a great deal of information about your old duck & bird decoys. I ask for no payment but often share priceless information with each visit. This expert knowledge is free . My Payment is the privilege of seeing your birds and gaining additional knowledge. Your decoys may be a important piece of the decoy history puzzle I have been looking for. I own all the decoy reference books and always are willing to share them.
If your decoy could talk
All decoys become more valuable when the history of the carver , the hunters that used the bird also family and area history is attached. A famous saying used when talking decoys is " If only this old bird could talk, imagine the stories it would tell" .
If you have enjoyed your decoys in your home or cottage, THAT’S GREAT but I’m sure you have wondered what all of us decoy owners have.
What about the history ?
Who made this decoy ?
Where is it from ?
Where has it been used ?
How did it get here ?
Why was it made this way ?
What kind of duck is it ?
Who owned it ?
Is it documented?
Who’s initials are on the bottom ?
Is it one of the good ones ?
Which one of my decoys are valuable ?
Would a museum want my decoy ?
Most of these questions can be answered, some easier than others.
You can start by sending a picture of your decoys to Steven. As a well seasoned expert and Canada’s foremost Authority on decoys he can often answer many of these question with glance of your decoy. Sometimes a close examination of your decoy is necessary.
I have helped a professor at Queens University research his family decoys for his decoy book on Mr. Peter Pringle. 1880’s-1950’s..from Dunnville Ontario. Many of his decoys were stamped on the bottom, "P.M.P.. I also recently helped with the newest published book "The County Decoys" by Jim Stewart and published by the Boston Mills Press.
This is wonderful reference book on decoy makers and families of Prince Edward County Ontario.
I take great pride in my on going research on "Old Ontario Hollow Boded Decoys"..
Any information, old hunting photographs or the opportunity to photograph or view old Canadian wooden hunting decoys is always greatly appreciated.

Here is a shortened list of media, groups & events I have been pleased to help .
Belleville Fish & Game Club
Ducks Unlimited, Ontario Federation of Hunters & Anglers
The Hunting Show Canadian National Sportsmen’s Shows Antique Road Show, National Wildlife Art Shows
Royal Ontario Winter Fair and Dozens of community events.
CBC Radio & TV, Global News Local TV & National TV
Historical groups, numerous service clubs
Area & national museums,
Picton Fair, Milford Fair, Belleville Exhibition and dozens of other local events. Dozens of community papers, magazines and web sites, through out North America.
My life goal is to create a public collection of Canadian, hunting, duck, goose, & shorebird decoys, for the enjoyment of the general public.. I have used our decoys as a traveling collection for years. I display and treasure many decoys that have been given to me, for the enjoyment of others.
I thank you for taking time from your family and busy life to view my thoughts on decoys. My life passion is the love for my family, helping others and decoys !!
Thank you for allowing me to express my views and I sincerely hope I can continue to help people with decoys , through you .
Steven Edward Lloyd

We welcome all people to call or send a picture of their decoys by snail mail or our e-mail, at [url ""][#0000ff][/#0000ff][/url]

If any of your readers need to call collect please do. "Especially Seniors."
Just a little more about decoys and "duck tales".

The Antique Decoy Road Show and information center was a creation and life goal of Steven Lloyd over 20 years ago. The name was conceived for his first major display with The Canadian National Sportsmen Shows. To help people nationally with decoys.
The Antique Decoy Road Show, 441 Elmwood Drive, Ontario, Canada K8N 4Z4
1-613-968-2183 ,,, e-mail [url ""][#0000ff][/#0000ff][/url]
A little more decoy data.....
The history of decoys in North America dates back at lest 2000 years. Wow most people didn’t realize that . Decoys are noted even further back in other parts of the world like early Egypt . The oldest decoys in North America are housed in the Smithsonian Museum. These unique bird replicas were found in a Arizona cave and were date with native pottery pieces found along side. Our traditional wooden decoys were primarily made in the mid 1800's to the mind 1900's .
The Word " Decoy "
1 a bird or mammal, or an imitation of one, used by hunters to lure game.
2 a thing used to mislead or lure someone into a trap.
3 a pond from which narrow netted channels lead, into which wild duck may be enticed for capture. verb lure by means of a decoy.
-ORIGIN from Dutch de koji 'the decoy', from Latin cavea 'cage In early European times, hunters were known to harvest wild waterfowl by first luring them in then driving them into a large netted framework for capture.
In the last 100 years "decoy" means many things to many different people. To most is an artificial duck or bird carved of wood. To hunters it is a tool required for successful waterfowling.
To Collectors it means a desired folk art.
To Antique dealers it is a supplemented income and a wonderful accent to country furniture.
To Steven Lloyd it is his life long study and passion.
As a functional tool a decoy’s primary use was to be used with as many as 300 similar blocks to lure in wild birds to excited waiting hunters.
To day, many are still being used for hunting but many thousands have been retired and are being used in Antique shops to lure in wild decoy collectors, excited about finding the next treasure.
Like the early hunters that had different opinions about what was the best decoy and how they should be used .
Today’s collectors have similar opinions on what decoys are treasures or trash.
In the most early days of decoys they were primitively constructed from materials on hand, marsh grass, tamarack, mud, twigs even animal skins. All usually had a few found feathers of wild birds to add color and texture. From the mid 1800's to 1918 was the glory years of decoys . Thousands of decoys were carved out . The market hunter were in full flight and the demand for wooden decoys was higher than what could be supplied. The were many individual carvers that sold decoys but soon factories took the overflow. The Mason , Dodge, Stevens, Victor, and Peterbourgh Decoy Companies were some of the many ones.
In the late 1880s and early 1900s the diehard men hunting day after day, many even in spring and fall. It’s a known fact that many of these outdoors men prided themselves on hitting up too 3 decoys per shot on a regular basis. Then unfortunately for the waterfowl there was the invention of the punt gun. It was like a small canon that was bolted to the duck boat and could shoot dozens per shot.
In these days ducks were an important source of food for early families. Many for the commercial hunters also sold at market. The folks would go into town and sell the days hunt often by the pair. The ducks were also shipped in barrels by rail to larger centers. In early days it was common in all the upscale restaurant to order a wild duck dinner or in some areas geese, swans, even shorebirds.
To-days carved decoys are a breed of their own. They have the basics skills and technics used by their early predecessors but with modern day tools and technology most competition decoys are indeed a fine art form. Often I have enjoyed conversation with contemporary carvers that have shared their secrets. Many described their magnificent carved art first by what it duplicate then by the hundreds of hours it took to create. Not often are they used for hunting but rather luring in international collectors and even financial investors.
Criteria for Evaluation & Appraising Old Decoys
Most collector and investors agree on the following criteria.1 Condition, as perfect as when it was originally made.
2 Damage, rule of the thumb the more damage the more the value drops.
3 The carver, the decoys of well known carvers often bring higher prices.
4 Documentation, decoys that are documented are usually more desirable
5 Rarity, of the decoy, by specie, construction, or numbers produced.
6 Folk art, unique construction or a creative pose often catches a different eye.7 Matching pairs or sets of birds appeals to many collectors & investors.
8 Museums often have interest in documented & unique decoys.9 Our economy, if things are good in the world decoys price are often up.
10 "A Bird In Hand" is true today as it was years ago. Collectors and researchers like myself often only get one opportunity in a life time to buy a dream decoy. We often have dream a certain bird is still out there. So yes, I have paid much more than market price for a few dream decoys in my collection.
If you still have decoys take care of them . They are no longer tools to tossed in the duck boat they are art.
I receive calls almost daily from people that still have decoys. But at every event I attend I hear of hundreds of decoys that "are no more".
What has happened to the thousands of decoys. Do these stories sound familiar ?
1 I lent them to a hunting buddy & they never found their way home .
2 I left them in my duck boat on the shore, in the morning they were gone.
3 I once had a great retriever but she love eating the bills off decoys.
Before my great retriever I had great decoys.
4 A great storm came up fast from the northwest and swept them all out to sea.
5 They looked so real they were shot into tooth picks !
6 My great old hollowed body decoys sank !
7 I gave to my son & nephew.8 I sold them for $2.00 each years ago & bought plastics.
9 My wife sold them at her yard sale.
10 I gave them to a friend that liked them.
One mans trash is another’s treasure. There are many ways of saying it . My way is FIND OUT
Antique Road Shows ..
There are many different Antique Road Shows in different parts of the world. All have the same intent. To help people with that common dream of knowledge of their old item. All of the millions of people that watch week after week hope that they see a glimpse of an item similar to the one in their den.
The treasure hunter
The relic hunter
The tomb raider Archeology All make us think of treasure.
One thing is imbedded deep in all of us from the time we are young children having our bed time stories. "Treasure" Most of dream of when we are young, hunt for it when we are older and wish we would of looked harder for it when we get older.
Your decoys may very well be that treasure! I have see thousands of old dust, dirty decoys pulled from under cottages, attics of houses, in the loft of boat houses, chopped out of the ice, even pulled from the bottom of lakes, that are very valuable.
My Dad, Grandfather or Uncle made my decoys ..
This is often the case. But more often than not there are a few decoys that were found on the shores by our family member while they were hunting. Many times these are the treasures. Every larger rig (flock) of decoys have these diamonds. Often found in apple baskets, brand sacks or old fish boxes so may decoys are still found in.

Royal Decoys
Could you have decoys that were made for King George V of England ? Yes!. In the early 1990's King George V came to Canada for a hunting trip. Canada’s most renowned decoy maker and boat builder was called on to make a number of rigs of decoys for the different locations in Canada were the King was to hunt waterfowl. George Warin of Toronto was that man. He had a boat building shop at the water front not far from were the skydome is today. He was know for the highest quality rowing skiffs, rowing racing sculls and duck boats. His decoys were uncountably the best in the county at the time. We are not sure of the number of decoys made but I have seen birds that were built for this memorable occasion that were found in several parts of Ontario, Quebec & Manitoba.
George Warin also carved special order decoys prominent sportsmen of the early 1990's in Southern Ontario. Some were members of prestige Long Point Club of the North Shore of Lake Erie. I have seen many Warin decoys surface in and around Prince Edward County.
Decoy Math
A full basket of decoys may valued from $10.00 to $1,000.00 each.
Looking for the valuable ducks in a basket is tricky.
First use a old saying. " Put all your ducks in a " .
Look for differences. Identify the different species . Look for the more species like hooded mergansers, shorebirds, teal, geese, gulls or even early mallards .
Check out the bottom. Many people have been accused of checking out a bottom or two, well its OK in this case. This practice is prevalent at any major decoy show. With a quick scan of a show you will see prominent collectors from all over the world doing "it" checking out bottoms. They all are looking for clues to the history of the birds they are interested in. Looking at a decoys bottom can help determine the maker, the hunter that used it or the region it came from. You can tell a lot from a bottom in good shape. (Sorry a duck collectors joke). I hope it doesn’t quack you up. You may find a brand, initials, ink stamp or even a full name and location like that of the late Jessie Baker of Trenton Ontario. His stamp said "Made by J. Baker Trenton Ont.
MY Work recognized by Canada’s top Outdoor editor.
The Toronto Star’s Outdoor Editor and by far most recognized outdoors writer honored me in 1989 by recognizing my decoy work and helping so many people. He honored me with accolades, as one of Ontario’s top 10 outdoors men.
Walt Disney created Professor Ludwick Von Drake, Donald Ducks uncle.
Steven may very well be the Professor of Decoyology. Or possibly just a quack.
The book titled "The Best of Ontario" also honored Steve Lloyd as Ontario’s foremost Authority. This book was published by Broadview Press with support of the Canada Council and the Ministry of National Heritage.

Odd Decoy stories.
I trade my family station wagon for a basket of great old decoys in my early years of collecting.
I have waited up to 10 years for several decoys in my collection to come for sale.
I paddled across 2 lakes 2 rivers and through the bush just to see some very ugly decoys.
When I still hunted, I have come home without my shot gun several times after trading it for decoys while hunting on the shore of Lake Ontario.
I am promised several rigs of great decoys form different people for more than 15 years and am still waiting, hoping and dreaming for that phone call that the family it ready to part with them. I don’t mind waiting. I always try to keep in touch and always enjoy great conversations each time the family check in with me.
I have spent hundreds of hours at shows and special events at my own expense to help people with decoys and as a obsessive researcher it all worth it ,, even through though shows were it rained all weekend a few people showed up. I have never been disappointed with the dozens of displays I have done because I have always gathered decoy data.
My enthusiasm is strained at times at the wee hours of the morning while I am answering emails and studding photographs of decoys.
Don’t be a shy old bird.
Many people take years to contact Steve for his free decoy help and many never do. Some waited to long and there relative ended up contacted him. There has been numerous occasions that relatives have called and started by saying my Dad had your card in with his decoys. Its OK he is asking to help you. Please don’t feel you decoys are not worth it or you are imposing. He loves talking about decoys.
Over 35 years ago I was in the basement of my parents home when my father sold off his rig of over 75 wooden decoys for an grand price of $2.00 each. He was so happy so now he could buy a flock of plastic decoys. Because I do have records of the carvers of his rig, this same rig would bring thousands today.
My decoy display is unique to even many national collections housed in our national museums. Steven allows all his decoys to be touched by interested people. Many decoy in our national displays have never been on public display and with out a great deal of red tape it is impossible to handle them.
At one of my recent displays I heard of many decoys.
One man said his Dad had over 5 bags full.
One Lady said she inherited over 100 decoys.
Another lady said that she had over 100 very old decoys in her basement that were he husbands and she almost gave them to a neighbor .
A man brought in a fine decoy to have me study as he told me the story that truly upset me. He said he bought form a elderly gent for only $10.00 and he was hoping to buy the balance of 50 plus decoys for even less. The decoy he allowed me to study was easily worth $200.00 . I hope others can appreciate my Sadness for the elderly gent that should get paid a fare price.
If you here of anyone with decoys give them a gift of knowledge, let them know they could be valuable. I do daily!
Thank you ,,, Have Ducky Day Steven

Decoy Information Center
441 Elmwood Drive, Belleville, Ontario, Canada,
K8N 4Z6 1-613-922-7000 or 1-613-968-8899