
] hey any body get one of those new little 410-22,s made by rossi? i love mine santa brought it has the interchangeable 22 long barrel i haven,t tried the 22 yet but it,s gonna be just as fun as the 410. i never thought the little thing could kick like it did. haha it,s cool! good first gun for a kid too cause it is so light. jack got it for me cause i was havin trouble holdin my model 54 winchester 30-30 cause my arm and shoulder is bad now. so he got me this to be able to go huntin my squirells i love to hunt and strengthen me to get ready for deer huntin. it worked thank god. cause i did git to go deer huntin. but anyways i just thought it was a good christmas present for the beginner also. i first learned cliff with huntin squirells and partridges and then he went to basic and won a medal for exceelent shootin out of all the guys there when he graduated he got first place. the kernal asked him who learned him how to shoot and cliff told em MY MA. HAHA I GUESS EVERYBODY LAUGHED FROM WHAT CLIFF SAID. HAHA EVERYBODY HAVE A GOOD CHRISTMAS AND I HOPE HE BRINGS YOU NOT JUST WHAT YOU WANT BUT WHAT YOU NEED. LOVE IN CHRIST MARE
![[Image: MESS3307CustomImage0859201.gif]](http://web.ecomplanet.com/MESS3307/ServerContent/MyCustomImages/MESS3307CustomImage0859201.gif)
I havent seen him yet have you?
hey there guy hahahah yeah i,m cuddlin right next to him haha he don,t have a white beard yet though haha hope ya had a good one. mare


]hey ddave mornin. is this our new baby hahaha rudolph,s baby? is he the new years baby haha?
Sounds like you taught your Son well! Congrats on raising a fine Son and thank him for his sacrifice in serving our Country. Semper Fi and Happy Holidays, Ghost
hey there ghost, haha i AM NOT WITH IT!! HAHA i must be gittin tired, i went from my email page to bft and didn,t sign in and wrote on this one the same thing haha boy i,m not with it. but do want to know if ya been huntin and fishin. this mornin i didn,t have enough coffee. haha boy i,m off today. i haven,t even had a beer yet. haha later [crazy]
boy oh boy , i saw this as i was all over the country yesterday , ( as well as australia ) i was looking for a baby new year , not a baby new deer ! way to go , you get to start the new year with some new gear ! congradulations !
see i still did it again, went from my email to bft, and forgot to log in again haha maybe i can start fresh in the mornin haha mare later[


the baby was found, check the contest board to see who found it and where it was found.
woops sorry i still would of done that anyways dave haha i guess i wasn,t quick enough. sorry again. [
