[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]I was going to start bow hunting next year, and was wondering if anybosy had any suggestions on a bow. I just want a good reliable bow at a decent price. So far I have been looking at the PSE lineup. I have shot my buddies PSE Bruin a couple of times and have liked the way it felt. If anybody has any suggestions please let me know.[/size][/#ff4040][/font][size 1] [/size]
I shoot some target archery, no bowhunting yet (maybe sometime in the future), but I find the PSE bowsw to be a little expensive, but DEFINETELY a good value for the money. I have been shooting the same PSE recurve for years. PSE is a great bow brand. I can shoot it way more accurately than any other bow that I previously shot. The quality is good, from what I have seen. I will admit that I don't much experience with compound bows, but I figure that their laminate (for recurve) quality should be considered representative of something. I have NEVER noticed any excessive stress or breakage or anything with it. Target shooting does put a lot of wear on the string, and I did need to have the part that the arrow is "knocked" (my own made up verb meaning to attach the arrow to the string) redone because it wore out due to repeated shooting. My PSE is very addictive. I justr use Wal*Mart clearance bin sights (Cobra brand with a sight post (crosshair type that I bought seperately for $6). I [#ff80bf]love[/#ff80bf] my PSE.[

From someone who loves to bowhunt and shoot a bow I think you need to shoot some bows before you buy. I would go to an archery shop or Cabellas and shoot SEVERAL different bows from SEVERAL different brands. You will feel and see a difference from the $200 to the $800 bows. Find out what you are willing to spend and how seriously you want to get into the sport. I can honestly say that with most archery equipment the extra money spent is worth it. I have had cheap sites and quivers in the past and they are more hassle than it was worth.
Shoot lots of bows to see what style you like and then look on e-bay or other archery sites and you will be amazed at how much you can save. My bow is a 2004 Hoyt that I bought for $275 and was valued at over $1200 at a local bow shop. In my opinion the best bows on the market are Hoyt, Matthews, and Bowtech. Cabellas has some other brands that looked great. If you are just starting out in the sport you need to do a lot of research. If you get good stuff you will love the game.
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]Ok guys I have narrowed it down to either the pse vengance or the matthews switchback. What do you guys think? I have yet to shoot either bow, but have heard great reviews about both. I figure I might as well step it up and pay for a great bow, why settle for the other ones.
Getting into bow hunting your will find, like anything else, that there are people who are deadset for brand A and against brand B. Take everything everyone tells your with a grain of salt.

I like the suggestion that you go out and shoot bunch of different type of bows. Personally I shoot a PSE, it is one they dont make any more, its probaly 3 years old or so. Mathews is a good brand, but i have known several Mathews shooters who has given them up for one reason or another. I know Mathews addressed that in there new lines of bows this year so give them a try, but if you are just geting into bow hunting I would HIGHLY suggest buying a used bow that is in good shape and shooting it A LOT!! Bow hunting is not like rifle hunting where you can sight it in and put it down, you need practce, practice, practice in hunting like situations. Get yourself a 3d target and go to the woods and put it some where and then shoot at it from every consevable situation you could see coming up. That way when it happens you will know what you are capable of and not capable of. Another thing is once you got the bow you like that is just the begininng of everything. Next you have to find a arrow you like (in my opion a good carbon is the way to go) and then you got to find a good broadhead that flies good on that arrow. I hope you get a bow and shoot it a lot this summer before going out and hunting. It is the funnest way to big game hunt i do believe. Well good luck and sorry this ran so long.

i use a horton super mag crossbow but i not sure your looking in to that but it is a fine bow for disabled hunters