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Full Version: Yuba Report 10-29-05
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[cool][#0000ff]Had a few BFTers show at Yuba State Park this morning. TubeBabe and I cruised in just before 6:30 and found Carp_Punisher and fishluvr already there, but waiting for more light to give them a clue as to where to fish. Very dark and quite a bit of fog. Air temp 37 and water temp 54 at launch...7:30 AM.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Princefisher showed up just before TubeBabe and I launched off the ramp and left to fish the rocks near the dam. CP and FL drove off to join them before the tubers were launched. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I figured I would avoid the bank fishing contingent so I started casting to the east of the launch. TubeBabe went toward the dam, casting along the shoreline between the ramp and the dam.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I had a couple of light taps and had a small perch to the top before it shook loose. Didn't see any evidence of active trout, so thought I would try kicking across the lake and fishing the other side, without going to the dam first. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]MAN...that is a long kick. Took me almost an hour to to get there. As I kicked and kicked, I listened to TubeBabe announce over the walkie talkie that she had landed a 21" northern pike...and then lost a big rainbow. SURE. CP announced that fishluvr had scored a nice rainbow, and that he (CP) had bagged a 10" perch.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As I kicked across the lake, I watched the sonar. There was a long stretch of 54 foot deep water and there were a lot of fish marks from 20 foot on down. Large, medium and small. Looked like tons of bait an lots of predators keeping them company. But, I fished a wide variety of lures and baits, from top to bottom without a nudge. I guess the fluctuating weather had the fish suspended and inactive.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Finally reached the other side. Saw some ripples of minnows on top. First cast hooked a rocket rainbow that streaked off about 20 yards and then rolled and came unbuttoned. About the fourth cast I hooked another rainbow that went airborne and flipped the spinner back at me before it hit the water.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The smell of skunk was getting stronger. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]That was about 9 AM. I fished all around the dam area for the next two hours with only a couple of light taps...probably perchettes. On my final leg back to the car, casting halfheartedly with a new pink headed Roadrunner, I hooked up right in front of a fisheries officer on the bank. He claimed credit for bringing me luck. Finally netted my only trout for the day...a 19" 3# male bow. Pretty colors and what a fight. Took me over five minutes to coax it into the net.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]That was at 11:30. Clouds were starting to come in from the west. It started to sprinkle as CP and fishluvr loaded up to leave. Princefisher was not too far behind them. TubeBabe and I got soaked before we could get the tubes loaded in the car.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Man, that was a marathon tubing trip. I haven't covered that much water in a long time...and for one rainbow. I'm gettin' too old for that stuff.[/#0000ff]
[unsure]The first fish was a BIG rainbow. When it hit and I tightened the line, it jumped fairly high (and I saw it was a BIG one)! It jumped a total of 4 times, taking drag each time it went back into the water. I was trying to keep a tight line, but after the last jump it headed toward my tube and came undone. The next cast into the shore and I got another hit ... the pike. I was able to land it and measure it ... 21 inches.

I was so excited that it was going to be such a good day ... and you know what ... that was all the action for the rest of the day except for a couple of little taps. Oh, well ...
dude your killing me here.. lol
great report!! .
Thanks for the great report.
Way to go and not get skunked! [Wink] Seems like TB is always outfishing you.I just got back from yuba and the evening bite was brutal! [pirate] Only landed one 5 lber. I spoke to a guy there as he was leaving and he had one bow and said he caught a 25 inch pike. It was a nice evening though unlike up north.Wish i could have made it there this morning but had to go se a bloodsucker! Yes it was time for a blood test because i havent been in the best of health the last couple of months.But i will make the morning trip on sunday with fish4fish.Hope the bite is on its supposed to be a good day.
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]Great report TD. Looks like the weather made the fish a little more tight lipped this trip. At least the skunk wasn't present today.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
Beautiful weather and great company made the trip extremely worthwhile for me, although I didn't get even so much as a nibble on the multiple and varied spinners I tossed all morning long.

The very Sad news of the day, however, was that as a friend and I made our way home in the rain, we noticed a white car stranded on the side of the road. It ended up being Carp_Punisher's car. He and Fishlover had hydroplaned on the very wet roads near the Santaquin Exit. They spun multiple times before slamming into a sign and breaking off one of the front tires of the car.

We pulled over to find that both CP and FL were fine and even laughing about the situation. They had already called a tow truck, and knowing that we couldn't do much more for them, we wished them well and pulled away. (We did offer to take Fishlover's several-pound rainbow off his hands to lighten the load in the broken-down car, but they declined our offer.[Tongue])

Anyway, I'm sure CP and FL will comment more on the issue later. It was certainly nice to meet more BFTers, but it's unfortunate that an accident occurred with one of our own after a nice morning of fishing.[unsure]
Quote:[size 1]had to go se a bloodsucker![/size]
I thought you meant a lawyer... LOL... [laugh]
Hey guys and gal, any ducks or geese showing up yet?

[pirate]Man, that really sucks about Carp Punisher and Fish Luvr's accident, but thankfully none were hurt and they'll be fishing again soon (and not in the eternal fishing waters as of yet).
[cool][#0000ff]Even though I gave up bird blasting a few years ago, I still watch for them on every trip. I did not see any ducks, but did see several flights of geese and heard a few volleys of shotgun fire from the north side of the lake. It was pretty foggy for part of the morning, so I couldn't watch the whole area.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There are quite a few snipe working the shorelines, but I'm sure that is not of interest to bird killers (lol).[/#0000ff]
Yeah yeah yeah ol' buddy! Now on to the important facts. Did you drag home any buckets of Bait?? If so, you can drop my portion off here! HA!

All kidding aside, sorry ya didnt do better. I had basically the same result while I was there 3 weeks ago and chalked it up to nasty weather .. Made it tough to get bit.
Sounds like a great trip! Too bad the storms rolled in and drove you off of the pond.
[cool][#0000ff]Last week I took both a fine mesh dip net and a cast net, and there were no real concentrations of minnows. This week I did not take either, but the minnows were not around the shore this week either. I did find lots of them on the sonar, from 3' to 50' deep. Plenty of feed for the bigguns, but the weather patterns have them out of reach of bait gatherers.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]That lake can be good or bad. I'm pleasantly surprised that the trout have done so well in there, and that there are so many of the other species coming along as well. We may just see a return of the good ol' days. Since the perch are over 10" now, with good eats they will be in the pound-plus category within a year or so. Now, if the walleyes have a couple of years of good spawn, and the food chain to support them too (and if the water levels stay up) it might be worth more trips down there.[/#0000ff]
[cool][#0000ff]Hey BeeMan, the good news is that we were on the way back to the launch ramp, to go home, when the rain rolled in. The bad news is that it caught us before we could get to the rain gear we had brought...but left in the vehicle (of course).[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We had originally planned to sleep in on Saturday morning and make an afternoon trip of it. We were glad we changed, in order to meet up with the others. We were also glad that the weather held off while we were clear across the lake. No fun to fight wind and rain on a long, cold, wet kick back to the beach.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As a diehard angler, who has had some good fishing in the rain, I stayed out a few minutes longer than (smarter) TubeBabe, trying to see if the rain would turn on some fish. Nope. But, I did prove that rain will soak up warm fleece layers and make them not so warm anymore. All in the cause of science.[/#0000ff]
[#505000]Thanks for stopping to check on us. Too bad that pesky directional sign had to jump out in front of me. They really should put up a fence to keep those things off the freeway!![/#505000]
[#505000]It was an awesome trip. Not in numbers but I got to scratch perch off my list of fish to catch and I got to watch Fishluvr fall in the water while releasing his carp he caught. [/#505000]
[#505000]As far as the wreck goes. Five miles prior to where we actually wrecked I slowed it way down because we hit a patch and hydroplaned a little. I thought we were ok but as we approached the bridge we hit a puddle just wrong and spun out. We kept it on the road for the most part and if that sign hadn't have been there I could have thrown it in drive and been on our merry way.[/#505000]
[#505000]the only injury sustained was done prior to the accident when Fishluver caught a 23" 5.5# bow. I think he's going to need a plastic surgeon to get rid of that grin.[/#505000]
Did you give yourself a ticket ? Or did fishluvr give you one ? I don't think plastic surgery is covered by auto insurance - at least not for lunker trout perma-grin.

All kidding aside, I'm glad you guys came out of it ok.
[cool][#0000ff]Did you guys get a pic of the fish? If not, I am peeved at myself for not moving in and shooting one. I was sure that at least one of you has a digital. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Too bad you didn't also get to add pike to your fishing resume. If you don't "git 'er done" before, maybe we can talk Ocean or the Fuzzy one into a guided trip to Redmond in February. The pike in there are not as large as they used to was, but you can at least have a good shot at adding the species to your list.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Glad you were not injured, but it's a bummer about those signs. I had a similar "run in" with one while living in California and driving a company car. Sudden burst of rain on oily streets and I went "slip slidin' away". I whacked one of those sign posts and got spun completely around. I came to rest facing the wrong way on the freeway, with a wall of headlights coming in my direction. Fortunately (or otherwise), I got the car restarted and did a dive off the freeway into the median before becoming a real statistic.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]By the way, did the "contraband" make it home okay?[/#0000ff]
Dude that stinking bridge has been the cause of a lot of accidents. I have had my share of poopy pants there in the winter!!!!![pirate] It holds lots of water and always ices up .Its good to hear that you two are ok.Hey dont feel bad about not getting a bow me and fish4fish well just me got skunked sunday morning.Fish4fish did manage to get a nice little healthy bow with all the fins attached.I dont think this was a hatchery fish cuase of the fins.But it was a beautiful little specimen with awesome coloring.Give yuba a couple of more weeks and the bow fishing should be on!! Right before ice up is prime time for those bows.Hopefully yuba will get a good freeeze this year .Theres some areas that i really would like to try out there.
[#505000]I actually did hook up on a nice bow about 6-7 feet off shore with a clear sparkle plastic on a red head. About 5 feet from shore he made a mighty jump in the air and decided he wasn't interested in meeting me up close and threw my hook.[/#505000]
[#505000]Pat no worries in the picture department. We took many many pictures of perch, minnows, trout, ect......[/#505000]
[#505000]I think Fishluvr is planning on posting them this morning sometime. [/#505000]