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[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]Any forecast on perch at deer creek during ice up? Anybody ever do any good there over the ice. I was just wondering if I should try it this year for perch, and hopefully walleye (If I'm lucky).[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
[cool][#0000ff]There are still perch in Deer Creek, and some big ones, but nothing like it used to be before smallmouth were introduced. The walleye population also takes a toll on the perch.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Another big problem has been water levels. Perch need vegetation in which to spawn, and during the years of drought the water level never got high enough to flood the weeds and brush at the upper end of the lake. So, not much spawn and recruitment. Hopefully there was a good spawn this last year, with the higher water, but it will be a few years for the benefits to show up.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There are many years that Deer Creek does not freeze enough for ice fishing. When it does, the area around the island is one of the favorites. You can sometimes find perch and almost always get a few trout, including some big browns. The walleyes, however, are tough to find and catch in the depths of winter. They go lay on the bottom in some of the deepest spots in the lake. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If the lake freezes, and you target perch, just remember that there is a 10 fish limit on Deer Creek and during the winter months you must keep the first 10 fish you catch. That is because they come from deep water and suffer damage to their internal organs which makes it difficult to release them successfully.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you are after some good trout, then Deer Creek is worth fishing. If you want perch, go to Rockport. If you want walleye, then keep fishing Lincoln Beach while it is open or even if it freezes. That is one of the few places that walleyes regularly come through the those who are good, and lucky, and good and lucky.[/#0000ff]