Sure is a nice day out there. I think I'm going to head out to UL for a little afternoon fishing today. I'll be leaving SLC around 11/11:30 AM this morning. I be taking my boat launching at LB and going out to Bird Island. If anyone wants to hook up down there or ride along - send me a PM. I'll check before I head out.
P.S. I'll be leaving the hounds at home - they never have grown any sea legs.
Chuck, looking forward to reading your report.
[cool]Chuck, I'm looking foward to your report also, as there hasn't been any lately from that bodyof water. You'd think those 'eyes should start hitting soon.[crazy]
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]I'm kinda excited to see the report too. I'll be off all week next week and was kinda torn between finding some ducks or trying my luck out at LB. Hopefully those eyes decide that it is time to bite.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
Can't wait for fishing on Utah Lake. Can't wait for your report! [sly]
[cool]Sheesh! I sure hope Chuck made it back o.k. Maybe he hooked into a new world record 'eye and it's still towing him around the lake in his boat?[
] Or, maybe he's doing another week-long campout/fishout again?[crazy]
Yea, I made it back OK. I figured it would be better to wait until after the some of the flames died down and the smoked cleared a little bit before I posted a report that would have had to naturally include and revoloved around another member of the minnow family - seems like that could have been a gust of wind that fans the fire - at just the wrong time.
BTW - another camp/fish out is just around the corner - the weather is shaping up just right for it. Snow !