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Hit Deer Creek Monday 31 Oct.Left the house in Layton about 6 am with temp at 41 toasty degrees.90 mins later the ramp at Deer Creek was a balmy 27.I think a Denver Bronco fan would've turned around and crawled back in bed with momma.Being a Raider fan I gutted it out.Trolled a wedding ring tipped with a worm and had a great day.Between three of us we boated over 20 fish largest was 22 inch bow.Brought four home for the table that measured about 16 inches apiece.Launched at the ramp near the island and spent most of the day trolling around the point just to the west of the ramp and around the bouys straight out from the ramp.Hope this place freezes this winter! Go give it a try!
Hey I resemble that remark!![Tongue][cool]

Actually we Denver fans are used to the cold -- the rockies, mile high stadium, hello! I would have to say the Oakland Faders would be too used to balmy california weather to be able to stand such frigid temperatures! [cool][sly][angelic][Tongue]

Thanks for the great report.
Remember the last time the Raiders came into Mile High??Anway...I hate to admit it but your guys look pretty dang good this year.Oh well...time will tell!! If you want some nice trout..give Deer Creek a try.Tight lines!
i was glad to see someone went to D.C. and did well. I have been doing extremely well this fall up there. I hope to make it up one more time before ice on. i wish the bass were still active.