Fishing Forum

Full Version: Lets go fishing
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Man, I think that way to many of us have been behind the computer way to long. I think we all need to call in sick tommorrow or the next day or both and go fishing. Then when we get back we can post on how the fishing was and lets get this board back to what it is meant to be; fishing discussion and fishing related help.

I have been a member of the board for many years but I am just not a big poster. But if I have information I post It and if I need info I seek it.

So lets all get a few more trips in before hard water, then we can all party on the ice.

Hear! Hear!

With the Weber river and Strawberry fishing as good as they are I just do not see why any body is at the computer.
Who wants to catch slimers...[Wink][Wink][crazy]
Ah! Dude now you have gone and dune it! I suppose you are going to tell me that one of those Little Tiny Small mouth at Jordanelle are worth spending a minute on![shocked] lol!
Slimers, buckets, cats, eyes, pans, living dinosaurs. if it swims I'll fish for it. I'll be spending the next three days fishing.
I do fish for all types of fish, and the weber river was one of my loves but with bad knees I had to give up that type of fishing.
I can't set on the bank with bait so its my boat and art. and I found out that if you love to catch fish and fish all day then you don't want to keep any, or when you catch your lament you have to stop, plus I hate to clean that many fish.

And if you keep the fish one day you won't be able to catch as many fish the next time you go unless you are fishing for trout because the DWR does not plant bass and other pan fish once they have been planted in that lake or steam.
Flyfishing is fun but their are so many different types of lures to try and so little time.
