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Full Version: Any one up for LB 11/4 am
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I am thinking about heading to Lincon Beach in the Morning to see if the eyes will bite. Anyone want to join me? I plan on fishing for a few hours then heading in to work.

Do you think that with the possible storm it will be worth it?
Hey kidsnme,

What's your plan for tomorrow ? I might be up for that - it depends on a few things that seem to be out of my control at this point though - but they might come together this afternoon and then I would be freed up for some fishing.

BTW - You can have success with walleyes during inclimate weather. Wind and rain can really turn them on - especially at this time of year.
I am thinking about hitting the water between 7-8am and then fish till 11-12. I have not decided If i wanted to bring my tube or fish from the shore line.
good luck...still no sign of eyes around LB...[Wink]
Sources have told me that the eyes are biting out at the bubble up. Bit closer, I may have to hit that shortly.