I know many of you don't know me or my call sign. My real name is Scott. After all the BS of the last week or so post up under this so I know you are still with us. I've been hanging around this board for a few years now and I'd like to see some old ice friends.
Kent, Road, Tommy, P4L, Randy, Chester, Brandon, Waters, Pat, Fuzz, Cliff, Curt, Ira, Ice fishing princess (I forgot your name but you were the only women that used to post), where is the kid that fished the Jordan river all the time with his girlfriend and last but not least JMIG. If I've forgotten your call sign I'm sorry. This is a roll call to see who's out there since I've been off the board for so long.
To those of you that I don't know, Crazy scott, (nice pic on the DNR site) I have one better. We'll go shoot it sometime. All the other lurkers out there, Lets do a roll call to see who's on the board. If you read this, post up so I know who you are. We do this once in a while on the Florida Sportsman board, I just thought it would be a good idea here. Just follow my lead. Yes I know I can't spell, work with me here.
IFG is still here.
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]Wattup IFG. Thanks for the compliment, now lets see the better pic. I'm still lurking around here so don't worry I won't be going anywhere soon. No place to go, plus I just signed up not too long ago. Still here and still KRAIZEE as ever![/size][/#ff4040][/font]
No insult I assure you. I've just got a really cool weapon in 7STW. Fun to shoot, dead balls on it with a scope to match. I just thought you were a fan of long range shooting. I know this has gotten a little off the fishing subject but (MODS) don't send this to the other than regions, the basic point remains the same.
fish4fish is still around, i just havnt been fishing lately
The almighty IFG! I'm (Brandon) still around and lookin' forward to some hard deck action with you this year. Did you ever get your sled fixed? Or did you just decided to get a new one? I've got a sled this year, so no putzin' around with the ATV on the deep snow.
Hey Scott , great to see you on the boards again . Yes , I am still here but not for long . I may have to shut down my internet this winter . I was hoping to give you some competition on the ice challenge this year but short on funds this year . Give them hell on the ice . I may be throwing pocket lint at the Provo this winter for some cheap thrills .
Bigfishrule (John) still here.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]I personally know this man! For those that don't...BEWARE! He is sick and demented! He is, however, great to fish on new ice with. He loves to go first. Don't let him kid you though. I've seen him pucker up good on thin ice. Just bring a good rope and ice cleats.[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Hey, speaking of going through the ice, does anyone know where the link is to the video where a doctor goes through the ice on purpose to show how to handle yourself in the event it really does happen?[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]I'll fish the hard deck with you but we're bring the charcoals and BBQ and you're cooking Korean Ribs, Baby! You got me hooked![/size][/black][/font]
I think sick and demented are not strong enough words Rich! The IFG will fish on 1.5 inches of ice. Talk about pucker power!
Here is a link to the "crazy ice man" video. For those of you that haven't seen it, it is a must for cold water survival.
[url "http://www.yukonman.com/cold_water.asp"]Linky[/url]
[cool][blue][size 7]YO![/size][/blue]
[blue][size 3](That's half of a yo-yo).[/size][/blue]
[#0000ff][size 3][/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 3]I look forward to tradin' tidbits and tuggin' on some troutskis wit cha.[/size][/#0000ff]
MrLipripper reporting, your omnipotent deity! Still here as mild-mannered Neal, quaking in your presence.
Hey, HA69! I'm sure some of us guys will help you out and pick up some $ slack and have you buddy up with us for some ice fishing this winter! How about it, fellow BFT icers? Let's see what we can do!
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Randy has a standing invitation to come with me anytime. If needed, I'll cover all expenses. This is not charity! I need to watch the sneaky devil and how it is he catches all those fish to win the ice challenge![/size][/black][/font]
I am still here. Never met you IFG but I have heard alot about you.
MrLipripper, I would donate to the cause but HA69 does not like taking hand outs. I have offered to flip the bill on a day of fishing and he would not accept. Maybe if we nudged him a little he would give in.
IFG, will I see you at Huntington at first ice?
My friends just don't understany why I look forward to winter. They don't ice fish. Go figure, Dale.
Fishin4Fun reporting - I usually show up on the board around now since all I do is ice fish and BFT is by far the best on the net, with the coolest people IMO.
Don't know IFG personally either, but if I remember right you were in Iraq last year fighting for my right to freely choose where I fish, not to mention all the other benefits of being an AMERICAN! Thanks IFG! Your the man in my book-
Kirt (F4F)
I never been so ashamed in my life to be grouped with such august company?
IFG - I assure you I'm still here even though I only average about a half a post a day. That's mostly because I haven't been fishing much and therefore don't have much to report. It's also because I don't normally get involved in the heated discussions on the board thereby jacking up my average. I don't find them productive so I'd just as soon let them slide off the bottom. Maybe I'll get a chance to punch a few holes with you this winter.
Hi Scotty,long time no see!I have only fished a few times since the last time U,me ,BLM &Petty fished Rockport! But am ready 2 hit the ice again!hold my beer "NOW IS BIG FISH TIME"!!!
] Jamie
I am here and present!!!