11-07-2005, 02:58 PM
Ok, let's see if we can do this with the minimun of ignorant interuptions - we're talking bait here.
I am interested in finding out how folks prepare and store the baits they use - especially minnows(DEAD), but cut baits, wax/meal worms and crawlers etc. could also be included and would be appreciated.
I currently have a freezer full of different kinds of baits that I gathered through out the year. Normally, I use most of them up before the ice season and seldom have any left over for the next fishing season, but this year I plan on doing more ice fishing. I know it's probably too late for the stuff I have stored up, but would like to know for future reference some more techniques.
So, to give you all some idea of what I am looking for here are some of the places to start. I am talking from the moment of gathering the bait, all the way through final storage, and actual useage. Pick your favorite or the one you do most often.
Wax/meal worms - I buy them kind of infrequently during the ice season and never keep them more than a month - so any info is appreciated that would help me keep them around for the whole season.
Crawlers - I get them in the spring and put them in a spot under one of my trees and dig them up when I need them - sometimes they last quite a while - but never make it into winter fishing.
Cut baits - If I can I keep the fish whole and freeze it that way untill needed, I do. Otherwise, I scale it and cut it up and put it in a baggie with water and freeze it into a block of ice in my freezer - results are OK for the current season, but never really stay satisfactory over the full winter.
Minnows - I really want to know this info mostly ! (DEAD ones - we all know it's a no-no to do anything with live fish as bait in Utah, so let's just stay on the dead bait topic if we can - thanx). In the past, I catch them, put them in a baggie immeditately, and then on ice untill I get home. Then, I throw a little crushed rock salt in the baggie and put them in the freezer without additional water. The results have been OK but not great. Some times they come out kind of mushy.
What has worked for you ? Vacuum sealing ? Dry ice ? Freeze dried ? I don't have any special equipment at this point, but, if needed I could get or make it if it weren't too expensive to do so. What do you do with them from the moment you catch them untill they are used ?
I am interested in finding out how folks prepare and store the baits they use - especially minnows(DEAD), but cut baits, wax/meal worms and crawlers etc. could also be included and would be appreciated.
I currently have a freezer full of different kinds of baits that I gathered through out the year. Normally, I use most of them up before the ice season and seldom have any left over for the next fishing season, but this year I plan on doing more ice fishing. I know it's probably too late for the stuff I have stored up, but would like to know for future reference some more techniques.
So, to give you all some idea of what I am looking for here are some of the places to start. I am talking from the moment of gathering the bait, all the way through final storage, and actual useage. Pick your favorite or the one you do most often.
Wax/meal worms - I buy them kind of infrequently during the ice season and never keep them more than a month - so any info is appreciated that would help me keep them around for the whole season.
Crawlers - I get them in the spring and put them in a spot under one of my trees and dig them up when I need them - sometimes they last quite a while - but never make it into winter fishing.
Cut baits - If I can I keep the fish whole and freeze it that way untill needed, I do. Otherwise, I scale it and cut it up and put it in a baggie with water and freeze it into a block of ice in my freezer - results are OK for the current season, but never really stay satisfactory over the full winter.
Minnows - I really want to know this info mostly ! (DEAD ones - we all know it's a no-no to do anything with live fish as bait in Utah, so let's just stay on the dead bait topic if we can - thanx). In the past, I catch them, put them in a baggie immeditately, and then on ice untill I get home. Then, I throw a little crushed rock salt in the baggie and put them in the freezer without additional water. The results have been OK but not great. Some times they come out kind of mushy.
What has worked for you ? Vacuum sealing ? Dry ice ? Freeze dried ? I don't have any special equipment at this point, but, if needed I could get or make it if it weren't too expensive to do so. What do you do with them from the moment you catch them untill they are used ?