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Full Version: Yuba 11-5-05 (with Pics)
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[#505000]As [/#505000][#505000]is tradition in the Carp Punisher/Fishluvr families it is important to take Mrs. Luvr, and Mrs. Punisher on about every 5th fishing trip to keep the wives happy long enough to get four or five more trips in on our own.[/#505000]
[#505000]The family trips are always tougher. There is the pressure of making sure the family has a good time and catch some fish. There there are also a lot more poles to bait, slimey fish to touch, ect..... and don't even get me started on potty breaks. The night before our trip Mrs. CP asked me what a perch was. I tried my best to explain but I don't think it really sunk in. [/#505000]
[#505000]We rolled into Yuba around 6:40AM and set up near the dam. In went the poles and within 10-15 minutes Mrs. CP landed her first perch on a worm under a corky. It looked to be a hot morning. It also looked as if I had won 10 million dollars from Publisher's Clearing House.[crazy] For the next hour or so after that there was nothing. I got one hit but by the time I got my hand on the pole it was over. [/#505000]
[#505000][inline yubaperch.jpg][/#505000]
[#505000]Ocean and his family showed up and they weren't having much luck either. About this time Fishluvr, Mrs. Luvr, and the couple just down from them started getting hit after hit and landing a lot of fish!! Meanwhile where Ocean and I were you could hear a loud symphony of crickets chriping. We weren't even getting nudged. To ad insult to injury Mrs. Luvr brought in this beauty.......[/#505000]
[#505000][inline MRsluvr.jpg][/#505000]
[#505000]A fish that size doesn't produce fillets. A fish that size produces steaks, and roasts!!![/#505000]
[#505000]After seeing the Luvr family and the couple next to them land 6 or 7 monster trout my wife told me she wanted to catch a large trout. It was starting to look like the fish were going to hand me my butt on this trip, but I tossed some plastic and finally got the skunk off by hooking this monster......[/#505000]
[#505000][inline yubaminnow.jpg][/#505000]
[#505000]I've never foul hooked a minnow, but I guess there is a first for everything. Now that is a sharp hook people. A Matzuo Sickle Bend Jig hook for those who keep track of that kind of thing. I got him right through the skin on his back.[/#505000]
[#505000]Ocean's family packed it up and he stayed for another 30 minutes throwing everything he had at the fish. Ocean's family finally came and dragged him physically from the lake.[/#505000]
[#505000]I moved my bait pole down the beach a distance to where Ocean was fishing and promptly pulled in a monster of my own. [/#505000]
[#505000][inline Yubahookjaw.jpg][/#505000]
[#505000]Ok ok not the biggest fish of the day but still quite respectable. After my photo op I cut this guy loose and he is still swimming today. [/#505000]
[#505000]I then managed to immediately catch a smaller bow (10-12 inches) with all it's fins intact in Ocean's spot.[/#505000]
[#505000]Mrs. CP was busy tormenting Fishluvr's son when I saw her line tighten. I sprinted across the beach and set the hook then yelled for her to come over. She came and reeled in her fish which turned out to be the second perch of the day. I've decided I need to call her The Perch Punisher!! [/#505000]
[#505000]All the trout but the ones caught by the couple to the south of us and one kept by Mrs. Luvr were released unharmed. All the perch caught were also released unharmed (into Strawberry) [Tongue] Hahahaha I'm just kidding they were released into Scofield. [Tongue] Ok ok we released them immediately back into Yuba so don't get your under britches in a knot!!![/#505000]

[#505000]CBR and Bassakwards were on the lake tooning but when we left around noon they had only brought in one very small trout. There were a few small non-hatchery trout brought in. For the record it appears the trout are successfully spawning in Yuba. I'm sure the conditions aren't ideal, but in Ocean's words on a different thread "Life will find a way". Let's just hope they can keep it up. [/#505000]
Hey CP,

Did you mean 11/05/05 or is this really from a month ago ? [blush]

If it was just a few days ago, do you folks down yonder in Utah County set your clocks back a month for day light savings time - up here we only go back 1 hour.[Tongue]
[#505000]In the words of Homer Simpson..... [/#505000]

[#505000][size 6]"D'OH!!!!!!!!!"[/size][/#505000]
Nice report, but how big(length, Weight), was that hog that Mrs. Luvr caught?
[#505000]All the trout but the ones caught by the couple to the south of us and one kept by Mrs. Luvr were released unharmed. All the perch caught were also released unharmed (into Strawberry) [Tongue] Hahahaha I'm just kidding they were released into Scofield. [Tongue] Ok ok we released them immediately back into Yuba so don't get your under britches in a knot!!![/#505000] [/reply]


Great reports and pics. Especially the biggun!
[#505000]After all last week's problems we were very careful while we fished. We took home a lot of those dinker minnows for ice fishing. We wanted to make sure they were dead so we soaked them in hydrochloric acid for an hour then packed them in a strong lye solution "just in case" we missed one or two. [Tongue][/#505000]
Mrs. Luvr's big fish was about 5 pounds. It was just barely under 23 inches and was so fat I could hardly hold it. Mrs. Luvr also caught a four pound a three pound and a small 10 inch trout. When I got home and filleted the fish there were some huge slabs. I opened it's stomach to see what it had been eating and was shocked. There were small sticks, mud, weeds, cockle burrs (those round sticky weeds that stick on your clothes that are the size of a huge jelly bean), and other crap in it's stomach. There were no minnows or other identifiable contents. I have never seen weeds like that in a fish's stomach before.

We had a fun trip and had a chance to meet some great people. The couple fishing next to us also had a three year old son that played with my son and made the trip a lot more bareable. Usually my son drives me crazy and wants to roam the whole lake. Him having a friend along made all the difference in the world. I don't remember the BFT name this couple was registering under so maybe he will post up and say hello. His wife started the ball rolling by catching another huge rainbow the same size as my wife's big one. It was awesome seeing the huge hook jaws these bows had. After catching her big one our new friend decided she was the queen of the world and couldn't help rubbing it in that she was the best fisher person anywhere.[Tongue][Tongue]

It was beautiful weather and a fun trip. Can't beat a good day relaxing at the lake.
At least your efforts weren't in vain! Those are some nice fish. I need to get down there and try to hook into a few of those fat dudes. Thanks for the report.
way nice fish. looks like you guys had a fantastic time.
I opened it's stomach to see what it had been eating and was shocked. There were small sticks, mud, weeds, cockle burrs (those round sticky weeds that stick on your clothes that are the size of a huge jelly bean), and other crap in it's stomach. There were no minnows or other identifiable contents. I have never seen weeds like that in a fish's stomach before. [/reply]
So Mrs. fishluvr fish was a vegetarian???? [shocked]
[cool][#0000ff]That list of stomach contents is amazing. I wonder when the next cockleburr hatch is coming off, and what pattern a fly flinger might use. And people worry about trout eating corn and not being able to "process" it. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Is it safe to say that your family had a good time? [/#0000ff]
That is a NICE bow your wife caught. Congrats to both of you on a fun day. [sly]
Hey thats awesome you finally got a troutski.Wish i could have stayed longer but i had an ear infection and had to go see the doctor.[pirate] Also i just wasnt feeling the fish if you know what i mean.[Tongue] The fishing should pick up if it ever gets cold!! Was that me saying that?[crazy]
Thanks for the report . Sweet looking bows too .
Hey fishluvr, this is the guy whose wife caught the other big fish. It ended up being 24 1/2 inches and weighed in just a little over 6 pounds. BIG PIG of a fish.

Sorry about the rubbing in,[Wink][Tongue] at least you didn't have to put up with it the rest of the day, and probably until I catch another fish.

My dad, and I and my little boy went down again tonight and fished until about 8:00. It was very windy and was no good. I think it was the strom front moving in but do you think I could convince my dad of this?

Speaking of this how many out there have experienced horrible fishing within a few days of a storm or front moving in?

Anyway just doin a little more rubbing in on the misses behalf, take care and have fun!!!!!
Nice hog Bow, looks like the Perch population is doing nicely as well. I haven't read the proc for Yuba since I don't intend to fish it anytime soon, but can you keep the Perch out of there yet? If so, I may have to head down there. I love to "defile" those Perch.

[cool]Hey Gary, nice report, and DANG nice 'bows, dude! Were you guys having your success chucking spoons, or were you using silly puddy (aka powerbait), or other baits? Just curious, as when I was there a while ago I didn't get anything chucking lures from my tube.
[#505000]Since I have my two pole permit I usually chuck out a bait rod then toss lures with my other pole. I didn't even get a tap on a lure.[/#505000]
[#505000]The two perch were caught on a minnow, and a worm. Most of the trout were caught on "silly putty". A few of the trout were caught on minnows. For some reason the power bait seemed to be the menu item of the day.[/#505000]
[#505000]I spoke with a State Parks guy last weekend and he said either next year or the year after they would open Yuba up to taking perch. Right now it is all catch and release on the green devils.[/#505000]
What kind of scale did you use to weigh the fish? I always just estimate my fish so I never know exactly what the weights are. Now that you say 6 pounds on her fish it makes me wonder if Mrs. Luvr's wasn't bigger. Not that it really matters, they were nice fish and it was fun watching the wives get excited when they reeled them in.