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Full Version: My first pheasant hunt !
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Went out last sunday morning and bagged my first pheasant !! Man what a rush!! [sly] I took both my dogs one a boxer mix which i always take rabbit hunting and my lab which i never take anywhere because she is so hyper.Well needless to sy the lab outhunted my boxer.She found the birds while my boxer found the wabbits.[Tongue] Got my first bird about 30 minutes into the hunt.Kacy (my lab) found the first bird about 5 feet from me and man the pheasant shot out like a bat outta hell! Scared the crap out of me but i did manage to get a clean shot and shot it by the wing.After cleaning it never did find any bbs. What a beautiful and delicious bird![laugh] About 2 hours into the hunt kacy found another bird but she was still going 100 mph and i couldnt keep up with her so i let her go.The bird she found decided to fly into the fenced area and hid so we ran over there and tried to flush it out.We couldnt find it so i went of in another direction.My wife scoured the fence with kacy because kacy knew the bird was there.I thought she was just wasting time.About 2 feet from my wife kacy flushed the bird out and i started running to it but before i could get close for a shot this hawk came out of nowhere and grabbed my bird!!!!![mad] But it fought back and got away and the hunt was on again!Kacy finally caught up to me and we searched for it and withing a few minutes she found it again! [sly] But it shot out so fast it didnt give me a decent shot so i didnt take it.I didnt want to injure the bird and have it get away.So we chased it again and lost it.Finally it was time to go and i me and kacy made circle around the field just in case.Just as we were headed to the car kacy found the bird again!!But it was about 2 feet from me and my safety was on so by the time i took a shot it was way to far for me to hit it.That bird deserved to live after all it went through .But gonna give it another try this saturday and see if i can bag me another birdie.[sly]
Awesome job Ocean! Watch out, this bird hunting can be very addicting...
So where'd you end up going ocean?
I went north west of mona .