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I enjoyed a good trip to Fish Lake last Sunday Night and caught numerous splake ranging from 15-20 inches. I was fly fishing with all different sizes and shapes of weighted buggers and fishing at night. I will be heading back up on Saturday night...I will be the one catching lots of fish on my fly rod. I would be glad to say, "hello" to anyone in the area...any more talk than that, though, will be a waste of good fishing time.
[cool][#0000ff]That sounds like a chilly way to fish. But, it is amazing how ya warm up when the fish are hitting.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Is the mack spawn about over down there?[/#0000ff]
[signature] is in full swing right now. But, typically, the lake trout are very tough to catch (at least from my experience) at Fish Lake during the for lake trout doesn't really heat up until about February.
Do you fish down there much in the winter? I've never had the chance to hit in on the hard deck, but I hear it is a lot of fun.
I fish Fish Lake typically between late October and May and enjoy fishing it through the ice. Fish Lake is as good as it gets when it comes to catching lots of fish and having a chance at a big one through the ice.

Also, contrary to what I said in a previous post, I saw a big lake trout today caught by an angler. The fish was 36 inches long and 20+ pounds...maybe only a pup if you are an avid Flaming Gorge angler, but still a very nice fish.
Hey W&B, this is a picture of a 35 inch mack that was caught a few weeks ago at Bear lake, can you guess what it weighted? WH2
I'd like to catch that pup... lol.
The fish in your pic is not exceptionally guess is that it is between 16-18 pounds.
Close, 13 lbs. I was just thinking that for a Mack to weigh over 20 lbs but to be only 36 inches it must have been a real hog. Thanks for sharing your report. WH2
One thing that is really different about Fish Lake in terms of lake trout is how heavy they are. From what I have seen, the lake trout are very robust (if they were humans, they would be obese) compared to lake trout found in other lakes.
The interesting thing about the lake trout I spoke of is that it would have been heavier had it not been caught during the spawn. Its stomach was obviously empty and it looked spent from spawning. The weight of the fish, by the way, could actually have been a little less than what I wasn't weighed on an official scale.
I know what you mean, Flaming Gorge macks are big fish also while the ones from Bear lake tend to weigh less because of lack of a really good food source. I wasn't sure about Fish lake but from what I have seen in the past I thought a 36 in mack would weigh in at around 16 to 18 lbs. I guess I was wrong.
To give you an idea, the state record splake is 32 inches long and weighed 15 pounds...around this length, you can add at least 1 pound per inch. So, a fish 4 inches longer could reasonably be 20 pounds.
That makes since, too bad it isn't that way at Bear Lake. Here is a picture of a 32 inch lake trout that I caught last year, it was done spawning but I don't think it was over 7 lbs. I did not weigh it so it could have been heavier.
The macks at fish lake eat pretty well. I have a 36 inch specimen from down there that weighed 22 lbs. It was caught a few years ago about the time the deer hunt started. Fish lake has really recovered from the late eighties and early nineties when it bottomed out. gshorthair.
Thanks for the info GS, it soulds like those Fish Lake macks can really put the feed bag on.