only 2 working days for me then in the woods for 2 i am putting up my tree stand on state land,then check my stand on private land.the reports i heard from a couple of bow hunters on state land sounds very good alot of activity.hopefully will have a good year and some pics to put up.
the season opens up here tuesday...
I love when the season opens in the middle of the week, gives this old timer a chance to see a deer in the woods...
today we sighted in the guns i think i am ready,this target is at 89 yards,useing a browning 12 guage bps smoothbore with a rifled choke tube, ammo is wincherster super x rifled slug,1 oz 2 3/4 inch,and a 2x bushnell banner shotgun scope,now i need some brown fur to walk by on blackpowder did very well though i brought the target home but didn't. at the same distace,about 12:30 on the target from the bulls. 2 shots almost touching useing a cva 50 cal with a 4x tasco rifle scope,90 grains pyrodex rs powder,shooting a thompson center mag express sabot 240 grain
looks like dinner on the plate.
I did not bother going out for pratice rounds, I will be huning close range thickets, so I will be using the scatter gun this year...
Good luck Tomc.[


[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]Hey Tomc, looks like you got yourself a pretty decent grouping. Good luck on your hunt and tell us about it if you bag a deer. We would like to see some pictures too. Again Good Luck on your hunt.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
today i was in my stand on state land at 6 am,very warm 60 7 am my buddy showed up an radioed me he was heading the same time alot of shooting began up the hill from me,nothing came down ,all was quiet around 9 a large group of turkeys passed by,alot of large toms in there.the wind started to pick up makeing the tree sway,with the warm wind and gentle swaying of the tree i ended up doseing for a few min.then a doe came into veiw,watched her as she was browsing and came within 20 yds,from i watched her i was going to let her go,then i started thinking about last year,i did the same thing and let the first one pass,BIG MISTAKE, i strugged the rest of the season only bagging one,so.. she turned broadside ,i shot,she took off,watching her i could see it was a good shot, then down she went,at the same time i was watching her run i spotted a buck hidden in the deadfall,never saw him before.i radioed my buddy to see if heseen anything,and explained what was going on,you only get one tag for state land,he said go for it.for tweenty min i watched this buck go down to the fallen doe and come back,paceing back and forth,every time he got into an openning he would run through it.finally something made him nervous,started heading my way,as he got to the same location the doe was at earlier i grunted,he stopped, i shot,he ran,i grunted again,he stopped,i shot,he went down,got back up and ran.i radiod my buddy he was on his way over,i saw him and told him that i wounded on and he was in his direction.i got out of my stand and met my buddy .while we were talking there he was,must have been laying down out of veiw,he started walking away from us staggering,then went down for good.the deer gods were good to me.he was a 3 pionter,yearling at 103lbs.the doe was a adult at 97lbs
[inline Nov16104.JPG]
[inline Nov16100.JPG]
[cool]Great story tomc! The gods were indeed smiling on you! Congrats! You should post these pics on the pic sticky at the top of the board.
Incredable Tom, one morning two deer. Remindes me of Penn. Good job on the grunt. Always freaks me out when they respond to it. Temps will be colder thursday so they won't spoil. Sausage for next years BFT get together?
tommorrow i am going on privite land for a few hours then to the shetucket river in baltic ct. for salmon
congradulations..... thanks for the photos and the story.. You've deffenantly got the bragging rights this year... I love to hear about deer hunts when the deer dosnt get away, unless its by hunters choice...
two days the season has been open here, I have been stuck in the house due to rain and winds... so no braggin here from southern michigan, tomarow will be a bitter cold day. we will be making ice tonight, at least on the rain puddles and small ponds.
good luck on them salmon this weekend....
I edited your post to get the side walls back in place... I was getting sea sick trying to read moving the screen back and forth....
today i went out on my bosses privite land nice chunk 330 acres,i was still hunting today to see what was going on there,i got to one of my favorit spots,a large rock,overlookinh the little has grown in alot this year,not many shooting lanes now,i was there 10 mins deciding where to go next since it was so bad there and i saw a tail across the river.watching it as i can into veiw a nice buck,this could be the wall hanger i was thinking,he was rooting around and started to walk in the apposit way i was i grunted,,he turned around and made a few steps toward me,then stopped and headed back,so i grunted again,he did the same thing it looked like something was distracting him from comming down to me.i didn't want to cross the river since it was up from the rain last nite, this was worth it.the crossing is usually ankle deep there now it was almost up to my i got to the other side the road is lower than where the buck was,with a patch ot thick brush on the edges,with the wind in my face was a good thing,i was able to get close to him to see him very well,but no good shot,he was an very big 8 pionter,had to push 200lbs.his rack was thick,spread ou passed his ears around 3 inches.a deffinate wall hanger,just then the wind shifted toward him.and he trotted around the hill.this hill he went aroud the roadway met up where the buck went,so off i go,as quik and quiet as i can.i get to the other end of the hill,looking for him,with the wind in my face again.i spot a doe looking at me,she was a little nervous for a while but i never moved.whatching her.still looking for himthe doe went over a stone wall.lost sight of her.waited for a few min.and decieded to move up the roadway a little more to get a better look over the stnewall.well the does moved up farther than i thought..just as i spotted them the buck came out of the pine grove to my left,my only shot at him he crossed in a flash.he met up with the does a off they poed with myself for getting offgard i headed back to the truck and down to baltic for some salmon fishing,no good there river was very high,again from the rain,nobody was having any luck unless you like catching leaves,glad it is olny the second day,hopefully i run into him my taxidermast said this morning to me,"he is supposed to be on my wall,just dosent know it yet"
thanks dave for fixing my post,it was the first time getting pics to come up,i didn't want to screw it up
your welcome any time, thats what I do...
thanks for the additional deer hunt story, day three here and I have yet to step in to the woods.
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]Hey Tomc, congratulations on a wonderful day of hunting. A buck and a doe, way to Git'r Dun! Hope you have the same luck on that private land you are hunting.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
today was a good day for all of us,went out with 2 buddys they went on stand and i did the nature walk.i gave everyone 1 hour to sit before heading out,just 5 min into the walk i jumped a herd,i only saw 3 but heard alot more,i was able to get one doe,nothing speciel 89 guy was straight ahead of where they ran,he was able to get a spike,125 lbs,but the deer of the day and the year went to keith,he was off to the left 200 yds away from where i jumped them,and one split off a 11 pionter 185.not as big as the one he got 2 years ago 11 pointer 239 lbs,i forgot my camera so i have to run back over to get pics
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]Thats awesome! Tell That guy congrats on the 11 pointer. Can't wait to see the pics of that. Man I think I might need to go hunting in your neighborhood. [/size][/#ff4040][/font]
[size 1]heres the 11 pointer[/size]
[size 1][inline Nov20106.JPG][/size]
[size 1][inline Nov20105.JPG] [/size]
Thanks for the share,
healthy looking breakfast sausage there...
judging from the size of the reel in the bottom left corner you have a sizeable yard to hunt from...
do you pull the reel with the quad or lawn tractor?
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]Nice buck! Tell your buddy way to Git'r Dun![/size][/#ff4040][/font]
that reel mower is self powered,he dosen't use that any more,he now uses a 12 gang mower that he pulls with a farmall tractor he restored,he has a very large lawn