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Full Version: 11/19 WFBR open charter on the Eldorado
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11/19 WFBR open charter on the Eldorado
11/19 WFBR open charter on the Eldorado


WFBR Open Charter [Image: fishing.gif]
Aboard the Eldorado:

Open Party Freelance, probable destination is
Wherever the fish are!
Call Paul for this special price
at (562) 301-4938

Trip #9** Leaving 11/19 Saturday ( 9pm )-11/20 Sunday ( 7pm ) 1-day Island Freelance out of Long Beach Sportfishing!

This trip features the raffle of a Seeker Rod!
This trip features the raffle of an Seeker Rod!!
courtesy of Western Fishing & Boating Radio and Seeker.
Price: $110 per angler, includes breakfast, lunch, & jackpot!
NO fuel surcharge
Limited load

Trip #9 for $110.00 per angler
includes breakfast, lunch, & jackpot!
Limited load, 30 passengers max. Beverages, Tip, Fish Handling extra.
Call Paul for this special price
at (562) 301-4938

See u there [Image: fishing.gif]