11-14-2005, 06:59 PM
Hit the Weber on Veterens Day and did really well.We fished the Taggarts area wherever you could find a nice riffle about 2-4 feet deep.I caught all my browns on a #18 barber scud ( gray. )My buddy caught one 18 inch hog on a ginger colored streamer then I convinced him to switch to what I was using.He was fishing the end of the riffles and could get nothing but whitefish.I treated him like a backseater in a bassboat....would't let him in MY riffle! What a butthead I can be.Hey I told him what to use,now go find your own riffle! We had a great time fishin.Two years ago on Veterans Day we were both sittin in the desert wishin we were fishin! Boy I'm sure glad I was born in this country and not somewhere else.We had our buddies from our unit in our thoughts who are currently deployed in the " Sandbox " Everybody wishem well and Godspeed.