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Hit the Weber on Veterens Day and did really well.We fished the Taggarts area wherever you could find a nice riffle about 2-4 feet deep.I caught all my browns on a #18 barber scud ( gray. )My buddy caught one 18 inch hog on a ginger colored streamer then I convinced him to switch to what I was using.He was fishing the end of the riffles and could get nothing but whitefish.I treated him like a backseater in a bassboat....would't let him in MY riffle! What a butthead I can be.Hey I told him what to use,now go find your own riffle! We had a great time fishin.Two years ago on Veterans Day we were both sittin in the desert wishin we were fishin! Boy I'm sure glad I was born in this country and not somewhere else.We had our buddies from our unit in our thoughts who are currently deployed in the " Sandbox " Everybody wishem well and Godspeed.
Hey slimer slayer, good to hear you did your part in the desert as well as the Weber. Those fall browns can sure be fun. Could you tell me how to tie a Barber scud? Myself & some freinds ripped mamny big browns down in uhtard county. It was fun & the action was hot on jet black tube jigs.

Hey Coug,I just stop by Hooked Tackle in Kaysville and buy em from James.They look pretty simple.I'll bet he'll hook you up as far as how to tie some.He's on this board alot...goes by HFT.Good luck.
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pic of Barber scud![Smile]