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Full Version: Aloha RS,
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Just wondering if ya got out there..? <br>& if so, how was it..?<br><br>I can’t say much about the bite out in those waters, kina far from where I stay…[shocked]<br>On other boards, I’ve seen that there are some good fish coming up on the 1 &1/2 day boats out of San Diego, not sure if that’s where ya depart for the 209.<br>I think there were even Dorado / Mahi that came out of US waters somewhere over there.<br><br>Anyways…. I’ll Ask you the same question…<br>Has anyone been out to the 209 spot or around the surrounding area? Any Longfins out there, or kelps holding yellows yet?…<br><br>[cool] <b><font color=red>ALOHA</b></font color=red> [Smile]<br><br>Dan<br>Stand Up!!!<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"> Stand Up Fish`N Charters Kauai Hawai </A> <br>[Wink]