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Full Version: How to get water from rocks!!!
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If you are were its hot and need water

1.Take rocks and put them in your shirt or any type of clothing
2.then dig down to were the soil is cool and barry the shirt with rocks in the ground and then the next day dig it back up and then rig the water out of it.
It's dirty but at least you have water
that is a good peice of advice...

you can acheive the same goal by digging a hole till you find cool soil and placing a container to catch the water in the center at the bottom of the hole.

place a peice of plastic across the top of the hole and place a small amount of sand or a pebble in the center of the hole to make a dripping point. (note that no part of the plastic may touch the side of the container)

the wider the sheet of plastic you have the more water you will be able to retrieve.

what you retrieve will be clean drinkable water provided you are not in a toxic waist zone.

a similar divice can be built above ground in more temperate areas but you will have to place a hole in the center of your drip point to allow further water collecting ability. above ground modles collect raising moisture from the ground and falling moisture from the atmosphere