Fishing Forum

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[cool][#0000ff]I don't want to make this all mushy, philosophical and ingratiating...and all that stuff. I think we all look inside and determine what we are truly thankful for at this time of year. If we don't, we should.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As far as this forum, and the bunch of good people who have chipped in to make it a fun place for tubers and 'tooners to hang out, all I gotta say is THANKS. I am personally very thankful that it has developed into the type of board that it has. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I was thankful when BFT talked me into starting a float tubing board, for the opportunity to get something like this going. Next, I was thankful that there were enough floatologists on the other boards that decided to slum a little and come see what the skinny was. I was even more thankful when we started getting new dropins from completely outside the other BFT boards...even from several foreign countries. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Now, I am thankful to see so many new members chiming in, with both questions and good information to share. That is what makes our little playroom so much fun. We all have the right spirit and nobody (so far) has done any dissin', flamin' or trash talkin'. Man, that really kills a board fast. I have seen some good websites go downhill in a hurry when a couple of flame artists get things started. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Many of you express your thanks for the stuff I keep slappin' up on the wall. All I can say is thanks for your appreciation and for the contributions you make in return. This is not a board about me, but about float tubing. It is great for me when everybody else is keeping it going, and I don't have to keep straining to come up with something just to show some posts. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My personal best wishes for a happy and safe Thanksgiving to all of our members and their families. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Oh yeah, I am thankful that I will be getting in several fishing trips between now and the end of the week...float tubing, ice fishing and more float tubing. Watch for the reports.[/#0000ff]

Oops! Guess I wasn't logged in for the post above! I cleared my browser cache and deleted the cookies that automatically keep me from needing to do the password thing. Sorry about that.


This forum and your immense knowledge of everything it takes to be a successful tuber has been very uplifting to me. I love all the details and photos of all that you and others on this forum offer. I have been a reader for awhile and only recently started to post on this forum. Hopefully, I can offer a little something to the "booty" also. Even though, I have just started my own float tubing forum at my website [url ""][/url] , I will continue to be here and learn what I can from you and the others. I am avid float tuber with over (30) years experience, and, I am still learning a few wrinkles each season. Float tube fly fishing has helped me devleop a passion that I would like to share with anyone who wants to get on board with us. Happy hook-ups!
Hey TD,

Thanx ! If it wasn't for you, I'd still be waving a wand in the wind on my tube while drifting from one side of a lake to the other. I'd also be cutting loose all of my toothy, spikey, and spiney fish instead of bringing them aboard and giving them the tube side noodle suite with a view.

For anyone that may not understand the above references, TD "enlightened" me on the technologies of the "appropriate fins", "Lip grippers", and "floating live well wire baskets" for float tubing on large warm water lakes and resevoirs. My tubing is no longer limited to drifiting with the wind on small high elevation mountain lakes. I can now also fish on the big waters for big fish.

Thanx again TubeDude !
Like everyone else has said, THANK YOu for your work here. During this past year, this board has helped me from purchase, to equipping, to launching of my new tube. The past-current season was a successful one. I would have been fairly clueless without the help. Anyway, thanks again.
Aw, this is just a real nice site all about tubing and helping everyone. I know that I can't be doing what you all are doing out west and saw that beautiful area out in California just a while ago. (Maybe one of those days...) I really enjoy reading the stories and taking notes. Hope this forum keeps rolling with a bunch of stories and photos!