Fishing Forum

Full Version: MT ) Havre FEBRUARY 11&12, 2006
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[center][url ""]FISHING RULES & REGULATIONS[/url][/center] [center][url ""]Havre Chamber Ag Committee[/url][/center] [center][url ""]2006 Big Money Ice Fishing Derby[/url][/center]

1. DATE: FEBRUARY 11&12, 2006

2. TIME: 8:00 AM TO 2:00 PM EACH DAY

3. The Havre Chamber Ag Committee fishing derby is designed to win cash and at the same time protect the FISHERY, Raise Scholarship Funds and have FUN!!!!

4. All participants will abide by Montana fish regulations. You must have a valid and current Montana Fishing License.
Youth 13 and under must be accompanied by an adult Licensed participant. Beaver Creek Park Permit not required for participants. The participants may purchase additional poles by paying additional entry fees. No spearing is allowed. You can drill as many holes as you want.